Summer Challenge- from parka to bathing suit

Harshberger24 Posts: 155
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Ok everyone.. here we go..I lost a good part of my weight last summer (80lbs), but I have a lot yet to go (60lbs). I am going on vacation at the end of June (depending on my sons' all star schedule) and I want to look GREAT! Tired of covering my fat bum with shorts and a tank top when I swim. I want to look good (but will settle for ok :laugh: ) in a bathing suit.. so for those of you who said in the last forum you were in- let's go! There isn't a lot of us so it should be easier to keep each other motivated and the most important- keep track! No more sorting through 12 pages just to post your weight for the week. Ok so let's say we start tomorrow- March 1st and go for 3 months.. till June 1st. We will weigh-in on Thursdays. Please post your starting weight and goal weight for June 1st... if you have any tips or recipes feel free to share!

Starting weight- 214.2 :sad:
Goal weight- 174 (loss of 40lbs) I would LOVE to lose more, but I need to be realistic here!

GOD LUCK! and this is OUR challenge.. feel free to post a forum under (from parka to bathing suit) if you need to vent, show off some pics, post a pic of your bathing suit you need to fit into, whatever!!! We are here for one another!

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  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member

    I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I lost 100lbs 2 years ago (unfortunately gained back 27 over the last half of 2010) and have 70 more to go now. Since we are looking at 13 weeks for this challenge I am going to set my goal at 21lbs (a little over 1.5 lbs a week) and enough to get me out of the 200s again!

    SW 220
    GW 199

    We can do this!:flowerforyou:
  • This is just what I need to keep up my motivation for a great couple of months before it FINALLY gets warm.

    SW: 160
    GW: 125

    Thirty-five stubborn lbs to go! :) Good luck to everyone and keep checking in. We can do this together!
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    So exciting!
    I got married Sept. 2009, and began to eat like my very fit, very-high-metabolism husband! He is incredibly supportive and my best friend, but I want to look amazing for him and to be incredibly healthy myself! =D

    Weight as of this morning...

    Height: 5'6
    Starting Weight- 174
    Goal Weight- 150

    I also measured myself last night...can't wait to see those numbers shrink!
    Thank you SO much, Harshberger!!

    So excited! I really think I can do it this time with so much support!
  • skinnyshirt
    skinnyshirt Posts: 10 Member
    I have struggled with my weight all of my life and I seem to be gaining more and more. I hope this challenge helps me out.

    Starting weight - 202.5
    Goal weight by June 1 - 175
  • Hey again everyone! I just started this lifestyle change back in the middle of January. This past summer I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism after rapidly gaining 50 lbs. This summer I just want to feel comfortable in shorts. My family is going to the Outer Banks the week of June 11th, and last year and I didn't want to even put my bathing suit or shorts on! So I'm excited to see how I look when I go this year!

    Challenge starting weight : 223.8
    Goal weight for summer: 199

    Good luck to everyone! I'm excited to go through this journey with you all!
  • Hey,

    I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I lost 100lbs 2 years ago (unfortunately gained back 27 over the last half of 2010) and have 70 more to go now. Since we are looking at 13 weeks for this challenge I am going to set my goal at 21lbs (a little over 1.5 lbs a week) and enough to get me out of the 200s again!

    SW 220
    GW 199

    We can do this!:flowerforyou:

    AWESOME... congrats on losing 100lbs! I get that.. I fell off the path when I thought "shoot I lost this much, I can relax a bit" lol BIG MISTAKE! I am really trying to get this last 60 off. I know 40 is a tad unrealistic as well, but maybe it will help me get on track so I don't look like an *kitten* since I started this! :bigsmile: I honestly just want to see that scale say in the 100s.. I don't care if it says 199 I want out of the 200s!!!
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    woohooo summer challenge time!

    starting weight: 211
    june goal weight: 190 (loss of 21 lbs - i loose slowly and lately it's been melting off, so i feel like i'm going to end up hitting a plateau and i don't want to set my goal to high and fail :ohwell: )

    let's do this!
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    I'm so excited about this challenge. The idea of buying a swimsuit and feeling comfortable in it is very unnatural to me. We actually run the local swimming pool in town during the summer and I can't wait to actually feel comfortable while hanging around a pool. That is my motivation and at the very first of June we are headed to Vegas for my husband's 30th birthday. Too many things to look forward to and keep in mind and hopefully I will reach my goal. I'm even going to wait until in the morning to post my starting weight to leave it right at 3 months until June 1st. Thanks again for starting the challenge. I hope I can help motivate others also.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    I just turned 30 a couple weeks ago and want to lose weight to be healthier. I never struggled with weight until I graduated from college and got a desk job (bad, bad, bad). I have gained 60 pounds since then. I don't want to lose all of it, just want to get to a healthy weight, so here goes.

    SW: 157.6
    GW: 125 - 130
  • BY THE WAY- my name is Marci :flowerforyou: and we changed our weigh-ins to WEDNESDAY! A lot of you thought it was better and I agree!!!
  • This challenge sounds great. I am getting married in July and need to lose weight before then! I will need help to stay motivated!

    SW 130
    GW 115
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    Since everyone else put their starting weight- my last weigh in was 171.4 and my goal weight for June 1st is 149. I would give anything to see under 150. I've weighed 170 and above since I was in high school. Lost 20 pounds two years ago and would like to loose another 20 at least.
  • bitabee
    bitabee Posts: 209 Member
    Thank you so much for starting this Marci! I'm Elisabeth, and I'm super excited!!
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    * *high five Marci* * I'm Phyllis :smile:
  • I'm Chelsea! :happy:
    & thank you for starting this!
  • Becs25
    Becs25 Posts: 79
    Becca here. Glad to have a small group.
  • cdngrl81
    cdngrl81 Posts: 434 Member
    Hi Marci. I am Jen and thanks so much for starting this support group!! :flowerforyou:
  • I'm Meghan! :) Are we weighing in starting THIS Wednesday?
  • Serenitytoo
    Serenitytoo Posts: 449 Member

    I am pretty much in the same boat as you. I lost 100lbs 2 years ago (unfortunately gained back 27 over the last half of 2010) and have 70 more to go now. Since we are looking at 13 weeks for this challenge I am going to set my goal at 21lbs (a little over 1.5 lbs a week) and enough to get me out of the 200s again!

    SW 220
    GW 199

    We can do this!:flowerforyou:

    AWESOME... congrats on losing 100lbs! I get that.. I fell off the path when I thought "shoot I lost this much, I can relax a bit" lol BIG MISTAKE! I am really trying to get this last 60 off. I know 40 is a tad unrealistic as well, but maybe it will help me get on track so I don't look like an *kitten* since I started this! :bigsmile: I honestly just want to see that scale say in the 100s.. I don't care if it says 199 I want out of the 200s!!!

    Thanks, Unfortuately for me it was life that got in the way not necessarily relaxing. I had a lot of life stress last year and for a stress eater with hypothryoid it really wasn't a good combination. :grumble: It just comes back on way too fast!
  • I turned 30 in January and have a 2yr old daughter. I had gained 50lbs during pregnancy (Abs was only 6.2) then I didn't try very hard to get it off because I was breastfeeding. I ate lots because "I was breastfeeding" and my eating habits never changed as we cut out feedings. I was hoping to get pregnant again even though my weight was higher than when I got pregnant with Abigail. As months progressed, I had issues with mommy guilt (when I should have been working out) and would eat my feelings away whenever I was not pregnant. I think I'm finally over my not pregnant depressions. I started working out at the end of January and I've already lost 18lbs. Not only do I have the pounds to lose, but I have a lot of toning to work on.

    Starting Weight in January 158
    Current Weight Today 140
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