Flat Foot PAIN!!!!!



  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
  • whiskey9890
    whiskey9890 Posts: 652 Member
    stop spending money on expensive shoes and start spending it on a podiatrist. they will be able to assess what problems you may or may not have and will prescribe the best course of action, you probably will need orthotics but they come in various types and sizes and over the counter ones may not be suitable, see what they recommend they get you some custom made ones. a family doctor is all well and good but they know a bit about everything but not always enough about anything thats why there are specialists. get thee to the foot one.
  • kyl33t
    kyl33t Posts: 1
    Had a similar thing happening when I first started C25K a year and a half or so ago. It would also bother me during extended standing yoga sessions. It was horrible. I went to a podiatrist and she made me custom orthotics (which were expensive and not covered by insurance, by the way, yet so worth it) after doing an ultrasound of my feet and showing me how my muscles were being overworked because of the way my foot was hitting the floor. The orthotics really hurt for a day, but then like magic my feet healed. I'm now on week 3 day 2 of C25K with basically no foot or shin pain. The only thing holding me back is my own endurance, which is the way it should be.

    Summary: find a good podiatrist and be patient.
  • naturallykat
    naturallykat Posts: 118 Member
    I can't recommend the insoles I bought enough - best £16 I ever spent. Google Insoles4U. No, I'm not paid to advertise them.. but I should be!
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I have no arches or flat feet. I use to get shins splints all the time in high school track. This is what I did and never have shin splints or foot pain again, I run outside and on the treadmill. It's all about proper technique and shoes.

    I found this image and here is a description from a men's journal magazine @ http://www.posetech.com/library/pp-MJ-0001.html:

    Proper form: keeping your center of gravity over the balls of your feet, landing on your mid- or forefoot rather than on your heel, and taking shorter, more fluid strides.

    Here is the worst way to run - heel striking! http://www.posetech.com/training/archives/000564.html
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Sorry to hear you are in pain.

    I have flat feet - and my attempts at running have been a disaster (knee pain immediately) and I am also getting foot/heel pain (plantar faciitis or whatever it is called). I used to use arch supports years ago, but gave up as they are impossible to keep in place in summer shoes (girl ones anyway!) and am not keen to rely on them longterm. My knees are gradually getting worse and I think it is arch related, as well as muscle strength.

    I have done a lot of reading: including mfp archive posts and this is what i have decided to do....

    a) wear some arch supports for a short period to help the foot/heel pain (1 month, stopping this now)

    b) do LOTS of stretching of my feet - especially the one where you stand on the edge of a step and put your heels down and up slowly - streches calves, ankles and feet. It really helps.

    c) stop using the arch supports and start instead to strengthen my feet: I am just about to make myself a schedule from web research, googled 'feet strengthening excercises' and similar and there is some good advice. The concern about inserts is that, over time, they actually weaken your foot muscles..... And there are some amazing photos of flat feet that are gain arches through excercise... You usually aim in the long term stengthen a weak back through excercise, not strap it, and this is the same theory.

    My plan is to integrate as many of them into daily life as I can - lots of people brush their teeth standing on their toes for example.

    I also need to find some knee strengthening excercises that will not aggravate the tendon than runs across the top of the knee cap (suggestions very welcome!)

    d) touch base with a 'bare foot' sympathetic podiatrist (only 2 or 3 I could find in the UK) and take advice on my regime, my progress to date and whether or not I should be buying 'barefoot shoes and gym shoes' at all. (I do not intend to actually go bare foot other than in the house - but there are plenty of shoe options)

    e) if, after say 6 months of excercises, my arches are improved I will try running again - if not, I will reluctantly revert to insoles

    I have just been walking on paper with paint on my feet like a toddler in pre-school to create a track of my walk so I can roughly track progress

    f) maybe I will remember to let you know how I all get on !!

    Good luck with what ever you decide to do.