Unrefined Coconut Oil

Does anyone take unrefined coconut oil as a supplement? I've been reading some things about it and I am intrigued. Would love to hear your thoughts on it...


  • atiena23
    I just started using it on my body and haira week ago.I havent used it as a supplement but i have read and heard its good for weightloss.
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Not as a supplement, but I use it sometimes when I am baking.
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    I don't eat a tablespoon of it several times a day or anything like that but I do use it often. I use it cosmetically as a lotion as well as in my foods. I will sometimes put some in my smoothies, cook with it, bake with it, etc. I tried drinking it in a glass of warm water and didn't notice any weight loss from it (didn't track it though) but I can tell you that for me personally drinking a glass of oily water was not appealing! Maybe that's how you're supposed to lose weight, you get nauseated and don't want to eat? :P

    We're replaced all vegetable oils with coconut oil (extra virgin, unrefined) virgin olive oil, butter or palm oil. I just used palm oil shortening in a batch of frosting I made for a friend's cake this weekend and it was just as good as when I've used Crisco but without the negative health issues of Crisco so I'm pretty pleased with that!

    Since using coconut oil my skin is better and my hair softer. I'm not afraid of saturated fats and don't cut it at all.
  • ShrinkinMel
    ShrinkinMel Posts: 982 Member
    I use organic coconut oil on my hair and teeth(homemade toothpaste with baking soda, vanilla and stevia mixed in) and I cook with it. No supplements though.