On track..but not loosing tummy fat

rajeswariv Posts: 2
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hi All,

I have been using myfitness pal to track my food and my exercise for a month now. I am doing reasonably well with that.
I have also become more watchful for extra calories in my diet ever since I have started tracking what food I eat and how much I eat.

I have also been pretty steady in my weight loss . I am not able to loose my belly fat though. I know that it is toughest place to loose fat and I should keep doing what I have been doing and I will see results ..

Anyone having advice/ thoughts on this.



  • vbennett7
    vbennett7 Posts: 99 Member
    I walk on my treadmill. Someone told me that walking will help me lose, but when I get to running, the belly will go, too.
  • swenard
    swenard Posts: 101
    I have the same problem. I've lost 50lbs but my measurement around my belly button is still the same. I find that weird though, as my shirts have all gone down two sizes and my pants, too.
  • I was on the South Beach Diet before. I lost alot of my tummy. You can always do situps. As a side note, if you hold a weight and swing it while doing situps they are easier.
  • crunches while holding a 10lbs weight has been sucessful for me this far :)
  • emilytgs24
    emilytgs24 Posts: 90 Member
    give it time! :) Sometimes you have to lose a lot of weight for the places that build up the most to trim down. Also, cardio and strength training will help. Do lots of things that work the problem areas so that when you do lose the fat you will have lean sculpted muscle under there!
  • elzettel
    elzettel Posts: 256
    Hands down running has been the best for losing around my middle. I had back surgery which makes most traditional ab workouts uncomfortable. I started walking and went from there. The couch to 5k program is great and doable.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    if you go to a gym I like to do the one where you sit facing the machine and the pull down bar is infront of you and above you. You pull it down toward your back even with your shoulders behind your head. I hope this makes sence to you. I am not sure what this is called. It works the stomach muscles really well.
    Also take pics of you right now and then take pics again after losing ten lbs and do that with every ten lbs. Also take measurements. I could not see that I was getting smaller in size till i took measurements and saw that I had actually lost one inch. YOu look at yourself avery day and wont notice the changes very well. These two things will help you to see reasults.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Are you already at a healthy weight? I have a post in my signature called "relatively light and trying to get leaner" that explains what to do. Weight lifting. It's a long, ongoing post but has a lot of information and the guy who wrote will even give you advice if you send a message (but he does get a lot of messages). You just tell him your goals and he will give you some good info.

    I'm 5'2" and 123lbs (female) so I'm at a healthy weight but still have a belly and plenty of all over fat. He told me 100g of protein, 40g of fat and lots and lots of fibrous veggies. (This was at a 1250 calorie goal). Weight lifting 2-3x per week and cardio 2-6x per week AS NEEDED.

    And you can't target burn or spot reduce fat. So you can do crunches until you're blue in the face and it won't get rid of the fat on your belly. We all have 6-pack abs; they are just covered with a layer of fat. You need to build muscle all over which will increase your metabolism and you will burn more fat throughout the day. You can drop the carbs some but carbs are your body's fuel and if you're working out a lot you will feel the decline in energy. And make sure you up your protein for muscle repair.
  • cardio and more cardio! You can do sit ups till your blue in the face...all you end up doing is toning the muscle under the fat. In order to burn fat you need cardio. Your body will pull fat from there when it needs to. I still have belly fat and I have some ripped abs under it and you can kinda see them poking through, but until I burn the fat off you won't see all the hard work from all the ab routines!!!!
  • Are you sure it's fat and not loose skin or sagging muscles? It can take a while for skin to snap back into place especially if you have been stretching it out for a long time.
  • endurowoman
    endurowoman Posts: 23 Member
    I have the same problem, part of it is menopause, but when I lose lots of weight I wear much smaller clothes, the size of the stomach is smaller but still in proportion just as paunchy, the shape never changes and I used to do triathlons and bike race. Still same shape belly. Also the rest of my body was so small, like size 8 which is small for a person with size 11 shoes. I don't know the answer but supposedly protein helps. Sorry I couldn't be more help.
  • And forget all this cardio nonsense. Google Peak 8. Far less time; far better results. Do you want to look like Usain Bolt or Richard Simmons?
  • Yzfdude1
    Yzfdude1 Posts: 23 Member
    I've always heard that the body pulls energy from fat stores from the extremities first, then works it's way toward your core.
  • chuisle
    chuisle Posts: 1,052 Member
    It just depends on the person! Everyone's body loses fat in different ways. You can't try to lose belly fat (or fat in any particular place for that matter), all you can do is lose fat and eventually it will come from your belly too. Keep it up! Core exercises will stregthen the muscles which may help you look smaller but sometimes our most despised areas are the last to lose the fat. I know that's how it is with me!
  • agdeierl
    agdeierl Posts: 378 Member
    And forget all this cardio nonsense. Google Peak 8. Far less time; far better results. Do you want to look like Usain Bolt or Richard Simmons?

    I just googled it, and it says something about how peak 8 will change your body shape. I'm pretty sure your body shape is non-negotiable. Also, from what I've read, if you do cardio (I know cardio is only part of "peak 8) at too high of an intensity, you can actually end up burning muscle instead of fat!
  • Thanks for all the suggestions.. yeah.. I think I have to start running.
    In fact I am going to start training for 5K for April or May. Also I am going to be careful.. cos I think I eat too little calories and then my body goes into energy storing mode.
  • Fat totally comes off in "toothpaste tube" style for a lot of us. Both my BF & I have noticed slimming from hands & feet toward the middle, and I've seen it on other people too. It's bazaar, but temporary!
  • AnKaLi
    AnKaLi Posts: 8
    Some of us are just doomed with extra weight/fat in the middle. I've always struggled with it, even when I was a size 4 and an athlete.

    It's all about burning the fat and also building the muscle underneath so that when the fat comes off the stomach looks great.

    Keep at it! You are only a month into it!!! One day you will look in the mirror and you will see the difference!
  • AnKaLi
    AnKaLi Posts: 8
    Also, I've heard that HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) is supposed to be awesome for burning fat.

    I adore intervals!
  • vickij2
    vickij2 Posts: 66
    Cutting down on carbs will help with tummy fat. My problem is that I love them....not sweets, but breads, potatoes, pasta, blah, blah..
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