Lose 5+ pounds in March? You bet we can!!!!



  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    Screen name: Pickynikki
    Goal for March 31st: 185
    March1st (starting weight): 192
    March 8th: 188.5
    March 15th: 186.5
    March 22nd:
    March 29th:
    March 31st:
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    Screen name: Memoggridge
    Goal for March 31st: 198
    March1st (starting weight): 203.8
    March 8th: 200.6
    March 15th: 200.0
    March 22nd:
    March 29th:
    March 31st:

    Sooo disappointed to not be under 200 yet this week!!! (Esp as for a couple of days at the beginning of the week I was!!!) But had a really stressful week so perhaps those hormones don't help???:ohwell:
    Never mind suppose will accept half a pound!!! Perhaps it's also cos I started the C25k this week???:cry:

    Next week you're gonna hit ONEderland!!! Woo hoo!!!! You're almost there! Keep moving forward!
  • samcee
    samcee Posts: 307
    For those that can't get the scale to budge... I think this site is interesting.


    Especially about the zig-zagging of calories. Also, I've read on MFP, that our bodies really like to hold on to fat when we're stressed and if we are not getting a good nights rest.

    Interesting. That website says that I should be aiming for 1600 calories for a healthy weight loss and 1300 for extreme weight loss. I wonder if I should be increasing my calories? Any ideas or suggestions?

    I think you should stick to the MFP recommendation otherwise it gets all a little confusing. I think if you keep track of what you eat you do get a rough idea of when you stall depending on your calorie intake?

    My MFP says I should stick to 1200 but I actually lose more weight at 1000 cals and maintain better at 1200. After a while you can sort of work out what your body can take.
  • mrsknotts
    mrsknotts Posts: 115
    Screen name: mrsknotts
    Goal for March 31st: 115
    March1st (starting weight): 122
    March 8th: 117
    March 15th: 122.6
    March 22nd:
    March 29th:
    March 31st:
  • Nadyasmom
    Nadyasmom Posts: 281
    haven't worked out at all in the last couple of days. :(

    Trying to find the motivation today...not there yet.
  • momofconor
    Screen name: momofconor
    Goal for March: 5+ lbs.
    March 3rd: 158.4
    March 10th: 158.4 (maintained this week - UGH! - after working out 5 out of 7 days!)
    March 17th: 156.8 (down 1.6 lbs and passed the 15 pounds lost mark!)
    March 24th:
    March 31st:
  • 2Young4This
    2Young4This Posts: 172 Member
    Hello guys and girls... actually just girls I think. There are some amazing losses. Massive congratulations to everyone but special well done to tsgaddy who lost 9.4 pounds this week. tsgaddy and Kerenvaknin have both lost 9.6 pounds which is amazing for 2 weeks.
    As a group we have lost 127.8 pounds!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ok the challenge this week is to give up one thing that is your weakness and try one thing new or different. This is because I have narrowed down my weakeness down to one thing in terms of food. In the UK you can buy packs of freshly baked cookies from the supermarkets. You get 4 or 5 giant cookies for about £1 - £1.50 and they are yum. I go in and buy other things and I just can't stop myself from buying a pack of them. I then eat the whole lot (about 3000 cals) and then feel guilty. I have been doing this every day so it's amazing I haven't been putting on loads. Wow, it feels good to be honest about this. Anyway that is what I'm giving up!

    And the new thing... well I'm going to try as many new things at the gym as possible. I have booked myself into Ab Attack, Body Pump and Powerplate.

    So what are you going to give up and what are you going to give a go? And so for the chart...

  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    Ok the challenge this week is to give up one thing that is your weakness and try one thing new or different. This is because I have narrowed down my weakeness down to one thing in terms of food. In the UK you can buy packs of freshly baked cookies from the supermarkets. You get 4 or 5 giant cookies for about £1 - £1.50 and they are yum. I go in and buy other things and I just can't stop myself from buying a pack of them. I then eat the whole lot (about 3000 cals) and then feel guilty. I have been doing this every day so it's amazing I haven't been putting on loads. Wow, it feels good to be honest about this. Anyway that is what I'm giving up!

    i totally get what you mean. Marks and Spencers have such yummy cookies, and both Asda and Tesco do cookies aswell, both baked instore and brought in. i split a bag of Daim cookies from tesco a few weeks ago with my sister... i got 3 when she got 2 :laugh:

    but they are delicious :love:
  • amy214
    amy214 Posts: 18
    Excellent Idea.. i'm giving up processed sugar in the form of two biggest enemies.. hot chocolate and vanilla scones... and pretty much any kind if sugar that doesnt come from fruits. Good luck to us all :)
  • sass30
    sass30 Posts: 355 Member
    Okay...big step for me...giving up chocolate this week. That means no reese's peanut butter cups and hershey kisses. As for new...I will eat at least 3-4 servings of veggies everyday.
    hmm, this will be a toughie.

    For something new: I think I will try running outdoors, or try the sugar free vanilla syrup in my mcdonalds coffee instead of the regular syrup

    giving something up? ahh, I will give up soda at work. I drink it throughout the shift to keep energized, but surely if I have enough water I'll be fine...
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    ...Give up?..well I gave up chocolate candy for Lent. I will give up cookies. I am surrounded by girl scout cookies, oreos, tons of cookies in this house! (which is probably why the scale isn't budging as fast as I would like it! :grumble: ) I will even give up the peanut butter and jelly crackers that I have in my drawer at work.
    Something new....I started Chalean Xtreme this week..I was going to start in April, but decided I couldn't wait!
    Good Luck all!..
    PS...Still loving that chart. Makes monitoring the weightloss seem so official!:smile:
  • naturalbeauty47
    Sorry I'm late but still no change:(

    Screen name: naturalbeauty47
    Goal for March 31st: 195
    March1st (starting weight): 203
    March 8th: 203
    March 15th: 203
    March 22nd:
    March 29th:
    March 31st:
  • Wocawa
    Wocawa Posts: 136
    I will give up processed sugar in my tea this week. As for something new I started Zumba for the Wii on Wednesday. Not sure if I like it yet but we will see. I also started working out with a kettlebell.

    Keep up the good work everyone. Thanks for the great chart!
  • danyotennis
    I think I`ll give up the piece of dark chocolate that I was allowing myself every afternoon at coffee break time.

    as for something new: i will try to start a few easy free weight exercises 3 times a week

    Have a nice week-end all :smile:

  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    I've given up most of the bad stuff when I started this new lifestyle anyway. Other than my birthday weekend (I repeat, it was a goooood weekend) I haven't had bread, rice, sugar, soda, caffeine or alcohol since February 13th. I noticed that I started using too much salt again, so maybe for the remainder of this week I'll be [added] salt free.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    I'm giving up my pre-packaged frozen lunches. As of this week I will no longer buy pre-packaged meals, the only pre-packaged things I eat now are my Kashi granola bars and crackers which both come from a whole foods store so I figure they can't be too terrible :wink:

    As for trying something new, I will be cooking all my meals from now on. Its a big step for me and can be a challenge trying to cook for one and not wasting food. I'm a little overwhelmed with it all right now since I was raised on fast food and boxed meals but I think I'll get the hang of it eventually.
  • tsgaddy
    tsgaddy Posts: 96 Member
    I'm giving up my pre-packaged frozen lunches. As of this week I will no longer buy pre-packaged meals, the only pre-packaged things I eat now are my Kashi granola bars and crackers which both come from a whole foods store so I figure they can't be too terrible :wink:

    As for trying something new, I will be cooking all my meals from now on. Its a big step for me and can be a challenge trying to cook for one and not wasting food. I'm a little overwhelmed with it all right now since I was raised on fast food and boxed meals but I think I'll get the hang of it eventually.

    I've been making my own since I started, and I find that it's easiest for me to make all three meals for the next day the night before. I also like making a large casserole type of dish and freezing a few portions for later (so I don't end up eating the same thing for three days in a row) and that saves time too.

    You'll grow to love it because you will be controlling exactly what you put in your body. Watch a few of the cooking shows for inspiration and always check out what other people list in the Recipes threads on MFP
  • Picky_nikki
    Picky_nikki Posts: 405 Member
    I will give up diet soda (have cut down SIGNIFICANTLY since recommitting to a healthy lifestyle... used to drink 3+ cans a day!) I will do the new Jillian Michaels, Ripped in 30 DVD I picked up the other day.
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,359 Member
    I was already giving up fast foods for the month.