Bad day eating habits! Help!

Urquem Posts: 4
edited September 2024 in Motivation and Support
I'm having a REALLY terrible day and I don't know how all of you are but I could careless about what I'm eating on bad days but I really don't know what to do to get out of that mood and have a healthy eating day even when I'm having a bad day. I need a lot of help and support! Any tips?


  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    if I have a bad day, I rant to myself, clean, and meditate. listen to water flowing (like a fountain or river) and just relax.
  • andreae13
    andreae13 Posts: 239 Member
    Exercise, exercise, always gives me a big mood boost when I kick butt in the gym :)
  • I will be honest, when I have a bad day, I throw my hands up and eat bad food but I keep the meal at the calories I am supposed to be at. The other day I was just not in the mood to deal with stupidity (LOL) and went to Popeyes Chicken. I ended up doing so much research trying to find a 300 calorie meal from that location that I felt better. And then the moment I ate, I got back on track and didn't have a desire to eat bad anymore...probably just feeling guilty of course.
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    No matter how bad my day I try to keep in mind that I am worth the hard work and I imagine myself feeling great come the summer in some nice smaller-sized clothes.
  • ashleyh3156
    ashleyh3156 Posts: 177 Member
    Sometimes I eat meals I wished I hadn't, instead of downing my diet and saying "oh well, I will just have the day off" (which I've done many times in the past) I work toward eating better at the next meal, this helps me to stay focused. And I enjoy cooking, there are plenty of recipes that are healthy and delicious in which you can feel like you are eating that wonderful dessert.
  • I am so sorry you are having a bad day... I would not worry about it. Everyone has a bad day, Just remember tomorrow is a new day with a fresh start. I have days where I could care less. But then tomorrow comes and it's a new start. Dont be so hard on yourself. Nobody's perfect... I hope your day gets better and tomorrow you will start over.:smile: If you like you can friend me.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    It's not something that comes over night.. It's learned, and it's something that comes because you want it more than anything. If the food you eat on a bad day makes you feel like crap, and the food you eat on a good day makes you feel great, it will quickly become worth it to you. If you know it's going to be a bad day, pack and plan your food the day before. If it's something that just happens, and you wake up like "UGH i'm not feeling it" Know you tend to make bad decision on those days and pack your food right then, so you only have one option ;)
  • tj5000
    tj5000 Posts: 69 Member
    Start again tomorrow by having a healthy breakfast and doing some exercise - even if it's only a 30 min walk. Think about all the reasons you want to lose weight and how that will make you feel.
    We all have bad days
    Good Luck!
  • Please don't feel bad!! I ate so bad today I don't even have enough calories for dinner tonight..I am happy about this site because I know what I need to do to change these bad habits so I can become healthy. Just dust myself off and go to a walk. That makes me feel better. I will be doing that tonight for sure. Hang in there <3
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    when you are having a bad day..go work your tail off! seriously! go get on that treadmill or take a run down the neighborhood. heck, even turn up the Itunes and dance in your house!
  • everyoung
    everyoung Posts: 67 Member
    Me too, on bad days, i careless about what i'm eating and how much i eat. I just want to feel better. I lost a lot weight and reached my goal weight, then because of this and that, I lost track and started feed myself whatever again. I gained so much back and now try to lose it again. we aren't the only ones.
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