Trying again...

autumnwren Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello (again)!
I first started myfitnesspal back in the fall. I was unhappy and knew I wanted better for myself. I lost about five pounds before I lost motivation around the holidays. Here I am, back and ready to conquer this. I am currently 195 lbs with a goal weight of 165. People tell me all the time that I don't need to lose that much because I "don't look that big". But the truth is, I AM and I feel it and it's taking a toll on my energy, my emotions, and my life. My first motivation: I graduate in May and my husband and I want to start our family sometime afterwards. I'd at least like to be at a healthier weight before trying. Motivation #2: I had a kidney removed in 2006 and have been told that due to that, I'm at higher risk for developing other health issues if I don't keep my weight down.
I would love all the support I can get. Add me on here and help keep me on track. I promise I'll do the same for you. Thanks for being there...this site and all of you are amazing.


  • Hi, I'm new also, but not new to trying to lose weight! I will add you as a friend :)
  • YAY! Congrats on everything! including coming back to mfp! i'm recently back after a relapse :) so good luck to you! we're all pulling for you :)
  • jenfunfur
    jenfunfur Posts: 263 Member
    Hey i've had a couple of relapses but have managed to get myself under control recently. You'te the same wright i was when i statted this journey, still have 30lb to go. Sent you a friend tequrst x
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