Just Plain Tired of Dieting

I know that one shouldn't "diet" per se, but should change their lifetime eating habits, etc. Unfortunately, that just doesn't work for me. I've been on the hcg drops for several weeks now and were it not for weekends, I would have been done by now, but I tend to slack for a better word on the weekends when I'm doing golf tournaments or holidays or whatever. Anyway, the point of all of this is that I am thrilled that I have lost 23 pounds, but today I feel fat, sluggish, and extremely hungry and don't know how much longer I can do this. I'm tired of it. I actually decided that the end of the week will be my last days of the hcg drops (even though they ARE WORKING), and I'm going to go to the maintenance portion of that diet just eat protein, but stay below my 1200 calories (per mfp) and go to the gym after work and see if I can tone some of this flubber up. Even though I don't feel thinner, my clothes fit better, and I'm grateful for that. I still feel......I don't know what I'm feeling actually. Am I hungry? Bored? Having a mid-life crisis? lol I'll be 50 this summer and it was my goal to drop 45 pounds, but I don't know if that is even realistic. I felt my best at about 45 to 50 when I was 40 to 45 years old. I don't think 165 pounds is thin enough, but I'm tired of being on this diet. I've been doing it for about 25 days. I would have been done and lost all of the weight by now if I hadn't cheated on the weekends. I don't know what I'm trying to say here other than maybe I just need some moral support? I want to keep losing, but I want to live and eat too.....any suggestions?