Any Other WLS Patients Out There??

mamaj2 Posts: 5 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hi everyone, my name is Joann and I underwent gastric bypass surgery in May 2009.

I have been very overweight all of my life and it affected all aspects of my life.
My Dr finally convinced me that it might not be all my fault and that I should see a bariatric surgeon which I did in September 2008, at that time I weighed a whopping 317 lbs and that was down from over 330 lbs previously.

The surgeon insists that you must lose at least 10% of your weight on your own before he will even book the surgery, you also need to undergo a battery of tests icluding seeing a "shrink".

Anyway I managed to pass all the tests and lost 55 lbs prior to surgery and am now down to a fairly respectable 178 lbs.

However I still would like to lose another 15 or 20 lbs and found and have recently started using it to keep track of my diet and exercise.

I input my weight and everything and the recomended amounts of carbs seems high and the protein low to me so I am wondering whether there are other WLS people using the site and what they think about this.

I would love to hear from anyone interested in this.
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