Mission MILF Has BEGUN



  • jizenna
    You can do it! This website is a great resource.
  • kelhun1
    kelhun1 Posts: 183 Member
    Well...my 11 year old son just told me my goal should be to "rock a bikini this summer". I'm hoping to be at MILF status when I attempt it. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. Oh and how about Dad's I Could Kiss for an acronym? :blushing:
  • brookerega
    You can do it! This website is a great resource.

    Thanks so much! I agree, this website is an amazing tool, and is also all too addictive!
  • brookerega
    Well...my 11 year old son just told me my goal should be to "rock a bikini this summer". I'm hoping to be at MILF status when I attempt it. Good luck and feel free to add me as a friend. Oh and how about Dad's I Could Kiss for an acronym? :blushing:

    Hahaha, that sounds like a FAR better goal to have. Hopefully when I achieve MILF status, I will have already achieved "Bikini Rocker" status. :) Hahaha, love that acronym!
  • Jaedynmoon
    Jaedynmoon Posts: 280 Member
    Yayyy you can SO do this! I'm 25, married, and have a little girl as well :) I'll send you a friend request!
  • brookerega
    Yayyy you can SO do this! I'm 25, married, and have a little girl as well :) I'll send you a friend request!

    Awww...thanks for the motivation! Congrats on how far you have come! I would love to be your friend. :) Request away and good luck on the rest of your journey!