ran longer than ever today

MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
just popping in to say I ran past my previous record of 2 miles and did 2.4. It may not seem like much to many of you pro runners, but it's alot for me since I have fibromyalgia and people keep telling me that maybe I should stick to something more low impact. I love to prove people wrong and I love to run, so I'm proud of myself. I'm really looking forward to spring so I can get out more often.


  • Keep running!!! I plan to run as well, but not until it warms up! Good luck!
  • :flowerforyou: great job!!! Thats awesome, keep it up!! :happy:
  • xstealth12x
    xstealth12x Posts: 43 Member
    Hey, congratulations!! It's great to see those numbers go up! New Top Score :D
  • NIce work! You sound like such a strong person...not letting what other people tell you you can't or shouldn't do limit you! Keep it up :)
  • amandalc980
    amandalc980 Posts: 383 Member
    I'm proud of you! You are awesome in a bundle of coolness!
  • SJT75
    SJT75 Posts: 134
    Great job....i started running a while ago and with baby steps i'm now up to 5k (3.2 miles).. it's hard work but if i can do it so can you :-)

  • Amazing!!!
  • Macacadopai
    Macacadopai Posts: 183 Member
    Yay good for you! Keep it up!
  • ChRiStA_1983
    ChRiStA_1983 Posts: 380 Member
    WAY TO GO!!!

    An extra 0.4 miles isn't anything to scoff at! That's almost an entire half a mile extra! Fantastic!
  • awesome job! i'm not much of a runner but i do like to run on the treadmill at the gym. I usually can only do 1.5, so right on!
  • UpToAnyCool
    UpToAnyCool Posts: 1,673
    HURRAH - that's very exciting! :flowerforyou:

    - - - - -

    Edited to add: I recently read an article about the Ten Percent rule. It's great that you have been able to increase mileage without incurring injury. As you progress, however, you might want to map out how quickly you ramp up mileage.
    Check out this article on the Ten Percent Rule:

    :wink: (Just trying to be helpful - of course you should do whatever you like!)
  • cahira
    cahira Posts: 163
    That is fabulous! Congratulations!
  • vzepol
    vzepol Posts: 131 Member
    Very cool, don't put it down that is a 17% increase that is huge. As you move forward it is unwise to increase your distance by more than 10% a week.

    Great job
  • MrsHilgert
    MrsHilgert Posts: 33 Member
    definitely no worries about increasing too fast. It's taken me months and months just to work up to 2 miles! haha.
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    *high five*

    And no need for self-deprecation. My favorite thing about running is that I only have to compete with myself.
  • bexdc
    bexdc Posts: 202 Member
    Congrats -- that's an almost 25 percent increase!
  • That's awesome! Congratulations. I'm proud of you too. Isn't that the best feeling?

  • erikazj
    erikazj Posts: 2,365 Member
    Well done!

    I have fibromyalgia too, so I know what an achievement it is! I ran a half marathon last year, so you can definitely do it too, just take it as slow as you need too so you can recover between runs.

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