Just got called fat...hurts every time.

allehp Posts: 96
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I just started longboarding (skateboarding) as a fun hobby to do in the summer and a way to get to my classes, and someone just made fun of me for it, told me I was fat, and that the bottom of my board probably scraped on the ground when I rode it.

That's the hardest thing, when you try to do something nice for yourself and something goes wrong. Part of me isn't even excited about my brand new board anymore. Especailly because I fell off the wagon and ate junk the past few weekends.

Do you guys ever get teased for being overweight? It's so hard.


  • Whoever said that is a total loser. Try to focus on your weight loss goal and the progress you've made. Keep skateboarding :happy:
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    I'm so sorry you ran into such jerks. It does hurt, yes.

    Try to shake it off. You don't need to keep company with such a-holes. Thank heaven you aren't related to them and have to deal with their crap every day!

    Honestly, that's what I tell myself every time someone random makes a mean comment--"Someone has to live with that poor *kitten* and I get to walk away! "
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    People who say those things often have insecurities of their own. You know you are doing something good for yourself. Prove people like them wrong by working hard to meet your goal. You got this!
  • I know and understand how awful it feels to be called hurtful things. Try to shake it off, and ignore it. :)
  • Get back on your board, perfect your trik, and show 'em up later. I know how much it hurts; anyone who says otherwise is lying. I had the same thing happen to me by a DOCTOR for crying out loud - we were discussing my latest thyroid results, and he said "you can't be hyperthyroid, hyperthyroid people are SKINNY"- but at some point we have to realize that those people are just unhappy, insecure idiots.

    You're stronger than them, and stronger than you think. It takes serious guts to get healthy, and even more to skateboard! :) So just keep it up, and know that in the end, you'll be the better person.

    (In the meantime, you could always imagine them losing control of their boards over those jacks that just happened to fall out of your pocket....) :)
  • sabrinafaith
    sabrinafaith Posts: 607 Member
    first of all- you aren't even fat. so don't pay attention. you might be overweight, bmi wise or in comparison to some of your peers, but you are not fat. and the person that called you that obviously has the maturity equivalent to a five year old.

    just remember you will reach your goal and that kid will still be a stupid a**!!!!!
  • Mariposa187
    Mariposa187 Posts: 344 Member
    They must have something wrong wit them if they feel the need to harass you. I understand the feeling somewat. I used to be 128lbs and I am now at 184lbs... I cannot recount the numerous times people have asked me if i am pregnant :noway: As soon as i hear the question my heart sinks and I feel like a big fat cow n want t eat myself into oblivion. :sad: But I try to remember that I have gained weight and some people are just not tactful about things like weight...

    Plz dont let them deter you from doing something you enjoy. If u can skateboard then u do your thing! my husband used to get teased for being 240ish lbs and break dancing because he is chunky but that didnt stop him.

    I try to look at it this way, if it werent for the bad things, the good stuff wouldnt be so lovely! You are doing great and the haters are gonna hate. They just jealous of you love! :happy:
  • mercy8
    mercy8 Posts: 9
    Big Mouth jerks are everywhere! shake it off, don"t get discouraged. Damn....I wish I was at your weight today; it's a struggle but don't get discouraged. Keep it up on skateboard, or any way fun to burn calories....just do it.....just have fun! Even if you stay at the same weight, just don't gain any more weight.
  • shipleyd
    shipleyd Posts: 94 Member
    Screw them!! Seriously, if skateboard is something you enjoy then keep it up! I know it hurts but if you quit then they win. As for the past few weekends, don't worry about it. Just move forward and know that you will do better next time. I think we all struggle on the weekends so you are not alone.

    BTW, I took a peek at your pics and you are SOOOO NOT FAT! :smile:
  • AllyS7
    AllyS7 Posts: 480 Member
    I second what barefoot said.

    That guy is a total insensitive jerk. If I were you what he said might hurt a bit, but it would fuel me some more to continue my journey.
  • Use it to make yourself stronger, girl!
    Realize that such a horrible comment could only have come from someone who has something equally as horrible going on, and has no outlet to deal with it, so they hurt other people. Feel stronger knowing that you are strong enough and secure enough with who you are that you're going out there and trying something totally new that you've always wanted to do!
    Trust me, it sounds easy, but really, it's NOT as easy as it sounds to put yourself out there. I'm 28 and I've wanted to try out Roller-Derby for YEARS and I haven't been able to build up the guts to go to try-outs - I'm too chicken! :D
  • xHelloQuincyx
    xHelloQuincyx Posts: 884 Member
    im an inch and a half shorter then you and 30 lbs heavier.
    so if your fat, im obese.
    seriously listen to the other people on here.
    just keep doing what your doing, do what makes you happy
    f the rest of the people.
    obviously the board wasnt scaping because you can move haha.
    ive seen your pics too. i would kill to look like that
  • the person doing the calling is having a moment of INSECURITY--thats right--shout it outloud the next time they dare to utter the three letter word of humiliation--the only one they are humiliating is themselves--hold your head up high and smile because you know they are just jealous--A sociological explanation from a friend
  • Probably just jealous of your sweet board! Maybe hopin you'll quit and sell it to em for cheap. Don't let that rude person get to you.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    Don't let that person be the cause of you falling off the wagon. Being called fat is hurtful every time no matter what the circumstances. I am sorry you had to go through that. Get back up on the skateboard and show that person that you can do it and then throw it in their face once you lose the weight you want to! C'mon girl your stronger then this to let your weight and someone ignorant person define who you are!
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    I just get FLOORED every time I read posts like this? WTF is wrong with people? Seriously. Screw them. Oh my gosh it makes me furious! Please don't let them deter you. That means they won. Don't let them win!
  • Don't let people get you down. Keep your head up and focus on the positive progress that you've made. I would KILL to be 158...
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    People are going to be jerks,there is no escaping the *kitten* in life.I got called fat last night.I didnt let it bother me. I am a wierd beautifull cool fun person I WILL NOT let some random jerk make me feel less
    I am sure you are also funny cool and all around awesom please dont let someones words make you feel any less
  • isabelk
    isabelk Posts: 153 Member
    People who call out names at other people: what is wrong with them? They are damaged people. There is something weird and wrong with them, I don't know what it is, is it just insecurity? When I'm insecure I don't try to hurt people with words. I hope! Who calls out names?

    I know it hurts to hear. They know it, we all know it, that's why people do it. But we can also step back and see that only someone with some sort of damage would do that. Like, once you start to pity them, the power of their words will disappear.

    Plus, you rock.
  • mamabearr
    mamabearr Posts: 304
    I just looked at your pictures and trust me, you are FAR from being fat. Like a pervious poster said, obviously they have the maturity of a prepubecent, and have their own issues to work through.
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