Hummus Vinaigrette

chefswife1975 Posts: 75 Member
Hi All,

I needed something to flavor my meal tonight and I had some hummus left so I put this together and Yowza!! It's about 25 calories per serving....

2 tsp hummus
Juice of 1/4 Lemon (If you can, use Meyer Lemons as they are not as sour as regular lemons)
1 garlic clove finely minced
1 tsp of fresh chopped parsley (or really however much you like)
maybe a tsp of water to thin it out and cut the tartness of the lemon

It should make about a 1/4 cup or so of dressing. I poured it over rice, broccoli and 4 oz of fish. You could use it as a salad dressing, with pork, chicken or anything else that goes well with a Greek or Mediterranean theme. I would also suggest making it before you start anything else for your meal and stick it in the fridge to give all the ingredients an opportunity to meld together.

