How can total daily calories be under goal, while all macro-

I have 98 calories remaining, yet Carbs are at -57, Fat is at -3, and Protein is at -1. Manually calculating Carbs*4 + Fat*9 + Protein*4 puts me over goal. Any clue on what's going on?



  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    You're probably eating something for which the nutrients and calories don't add up. Check the individual contributions... something has either too high numbers in carbs or fat (or maybe protein), or too low calories.

    If the problem is the other way round (under in macronutrients, but over in calories), the problem is usually alcohol.

    PS -- looking at your numbers again, if the carbs weren't so badly off it could be simply marginal errors. You should never rely on the last 5 g of anything: the measurement isn't precise enough anyway. You're AT your goal, for all intents and purposes.
  • prot
    prot Posts: 4
    Thanks for the immidiate response.

    That makes sense! I guess each food having a separate calorie field means that that's what's used in the totals. I just added a day's meals. Probably there were some mistakes in the data posted by people. Oh well, it's not that much of a difference anyway.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    It depends on what you're eating. It's possible to have that happen when you're eating processed foods. They're high in sugar (carbs) and fat.