How long does water weight take to go away?

hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I had a really bad weekend this weekend, we went to a friends wedding and even though I did the shred, fri and Sat, I didn't do anything on Sunday. I also drank alot of alcohol and lots of bad foods. But according to the scales i've put on 8lbs!!! That can't be possible surely?!?!? I am finding myself really demotivated! I know its my own fault but when you see a jump like that its depressing! I have done nothing but drink water, probably 15 glasses a day! To try and flush it all out! When I weighed myself yesterday I was up 10lbs so at least i've lost '2lbs' of fake weight since then! I know I ate a lot of sodium rich foods but how long does that water weight take to go??? I am going to try and eat healthily for the rest of the day as I made bad food choices for breakfast earlier! I don't know why I do it!
I am praying by the end of the week I only have a small gain rather than the 8lbs the scales are showing now!!!


  • I did the same bad weekend for me :(
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    When I would slip off alittle and I'd gain it usually took me 3-4days before it would all go away. The most I gained back was 3lbs. But I never ate things that were high in sodium, make sure to keep drinking plenty of water, and eat lots of fiber. Exercise what you'd usually do maybe 5-10 more minutes a day if possible, and it should come off. My mom who is a health nut, and 2 years ago lost 150lbs and has kept it off told me once you'd have to eat more than 65g. of fat a day to gain a pound, so unless you ate 520g. of fat over the weekend it should come off within days. It may take a week depending on how your body deals with it, but if you keep doing the right things I would think it would be less.
  • hofficoffi
    hofficoffi Posts: 88 Member
    When I would slip off alittle and I'd gain it usually took me 3-4days before it would all go away. The most I gained back was 3lbs. But I never ate things that were high in sodium, make sure to keep drinking plenty of water, and eat lots of fiber. Exercise what you'd usually do maybe 5-10 more minutes a day if possible, and it should come off. My mom who is a health nut, and 2 years ago lost 150lbs and has kept it off told me once you'd have to eat more than 65g. of fat a day to gain a pound, so unless you ate 520g. of fat over the weekend it should come off within days. It may take a week depending on how your body deals with it, but if you keep doing the right things I would think it would be less.

    Thanks for the reply hunni, I just freaked out a little!! I used to have the mindset where before if I came off the wagon i'd think oh well the damage is done now so sod it I may as well keep eating badly! And before you knew it i'd be 14lbs heavier again, so im trying really hard now to just take it on the chin, realise I am human and I had a good time that wkd! and then just exercise harder this wk! I do the shred everyday but i'm trying to do alot more cardio this wk, and hopefully that'll counteract all the naughtiness!!!
  • shalynna89
    shalynna89 Posts: 324 Member
    You are in the right mind set to do it!! I use to be the same way. Its taken me alost a year since I had my baby to finally get to the point where if I slipped I didn't stuff my face with everything I could see.This website helps alot with that. I'm sure with exercising more it will help alot. Good luck!!
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