I've lost 60 lbs...with the help of myfitnesspal.com and ano

mattcoop Posts: 30 Member
Now I'm at the weight I feel comfortable with.... (155 lbs).... I've been doing a combination of workouts at a hospital fitness center and certain DVD's of the P90X series (but kept my heart rate largely between 120 and 135 bpm due to the following. ...... I mention "hospital" because I had a heart attack in April 2010. It was not a dramatic heart attack, but a partial blockage and on a business trip I received a stent (no chest opening thank goodness) by a very very capable cardiologist in San Diego, CA.

I am very fortunate because I have overcome great odds and have calmly, but methodically lost the 60 lbs by developing my own recipes that follow the American Heart Association and a booklet published by the US Government called Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2005. I prefer this 2005 publication more than the 2010 booklet (both available free as a pdf file as well). You can compare them for yourself. see http://www.health.gov/dietaryguidelines/dga2005/document/

I say I am fortunate and blessed not only because I am one of the few survivors of a first heart attack, but also that the last stress test I took in December showed that my heart is very strong, if not improved by the stent, my diet and medications (both prescribed and over-the-counter). The cardiologist who gave me my stress test (in Dallas, TX) said that the target they want all patients to achieve is 100%. I was able to achieve 130%. He had not seen that in a long time or never before.

Right after this comment of his immediately after the test, I joked with him that my San Diego cardiologist performed such a fantastic stent procedure that he took my worn down "V6 engine" heart and upgraded it to a V8. He calmly said no.... he gave you a V12. Both me and the nurse by my side had a good laugh.

I have done so well at my continuing workouts and weight loss at this hospital that the hospital CEO asked if I would be willing to give a testimonial for the hospital. I enjoy the guidance and good people at Doctors Hospital in Dallas so much that it did not require much thought to say yes. You can see a press release on page 8 of the following link. http://static1.smallworldlabs.com/neighborhoods/content/PDF/SECTIONS/mesquite.pdf
If you want to see the article ant in a few weeks the link is not current, then contact me and I will send you another link or attachment.

I'm now enjoying the great outdoors in Nevada after my recent return buisness trip to San Diego, CA..... this time without a heart attack! I am 48 years old and plan to live another 40+ years. During the last 10 months I have studied nutrition and exercise as if I were taking two college 3 hour credit courses.... so the extra 40+ years are possible. My cardiologist and several professors and aquaintences tell my I should write a book. I humbly plan to publish a book someday on nutrition (including my own created recipes) and exercise directed to 40-50 year old survivors of heart disease or simply 30 to 55 year old people with high blood pressure.

Wish me luck....



  • liveskinnyxo
    liveskinnyxo Posts: 259 Member
    inspiring, good luck & great job!
  • Charli666
    Charli666 Posts: 407
    great job, and good luck, i look forward to reading your book in a few years time!