
Oh my gosh you guys. I figured out last night that hubby and I spend $5000 a year to support a smoking habit. Cigarettes are gross. Why do we pay so much for something that's not fun and doesn't taste good? If you wanna quit smoking read, " The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" by Allen Carr. I'm working on it now and he's hitting me in the face with some truths that are just astounding. We plan to start saving that smoking money soon and using it for a fabulous vacation. Wow we could go somewhere really nice for $5000.


  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You could try Vaping electronic cigarettes if the current plan don't work. Wean off nicotine while "smoking" but no known harmful chemicals.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    He's saying that you can't cure nicotine addiction by using nicotine. The trick is to starve the "monster".
  • erica79
    erica79 Posts: 242 Member
    i have heard a lot of people quit by reading that book. Good luck with your quit. It's going to be hard but soooo worth it :)
  • melanie76
    melanie76 Posts: 13 Member
    I joined this website and my first post was something like, " I have recently quit smoking (7 days, recently)." I can not remeber the exact number but it was very recent. Yesterday was 8 weeks! I have smoked for a long time with my husband and we both just put them down FINALLY!! I have heard good things about that book. Wish I had known about it. We did spend 400 on the electronic cigs, they did not work, we were hypmotized(?), that didn't work. It is a lot like losing weight. You have to really want it and fight for it. You can do, it is so worth. We both feel so much better. I can breathe now!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    He's saying that you can't cure nicotine addiction by using nicotine. The trick is to starve the "monster".

    Well, millions of quitters have proved him wrong. You can wean off and stay off. There is no cure for addictions of any kind Once an addict, always an addict.
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    Most of our addiction is in our minds. If you ever really think about it, it's true. We get the craving and it's just a small, empty feeling. It's not even as severe as hunger is. Yet, for some reason our minds send us into a panic. Then we have a whole body reaction. I'm only halfway through the book and realize he's absolutely right.
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    As I'm reading this, I want a cigarette so bad...and a bottle of rum! BUT all boils down to willpower, and thinking about the more important things in life. I mean yeah, drinking all the time could be fun, my life was a constant party....but my mothering suffered for it. There's no way I was as good of a mother than as I am now. She wasn't neglected or anything, but she didn't have as much quality time as she deserved. The booze, just like the smokes, addictions....I find the best way to be done is just simply that, to be done. Trying not to think about, "oh I can have just 1" or "1 night out drinking will be fine". Those words WILL pop into your head ALOT too.
    Kwardklinck---$5000 a year? Woooo! That is some AWESOME vacation! Hell, you could probably take a month long trip somewhere. That sounds to me like alot more fun than smoking. :) Glad that book is working for ya!
    Another thing I won't miss about smoking is always having to go the rain, the snow...and then like when I was at my in laws, I worried about coming in just wreaking of smoke..and I know I did, which was kinda ignorant considering they are both ex smokers. ANYWAYS...hehe this rant turned into being more about talking myself down from my cravings...ah well :drinker: