New and getting a lap band soon!!!

Hi, I am new to this forum and getting a lapband soon. I use the app for food counter on my phone and LOVE IT!!!! It is great and keeps you accountable! They really keep it up to date and it's easy to use.

I am getting banded 3/28/11 I am soooo excited! I hope that this ends my struggle with weight once and for all. I understand it's a tool and am excited to get started! I am also looking to get lots of support!!

Good luck everyone!



  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Good luck, I have one too, I love it!
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Welcome! And how exciting about the lap band! I've heard good things! (my only concern is how do you get all the nutrients you need each day? Do you get extra supplements?)....sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm getting on you for it, because they can be very beneficial..and I have some friends that I know it would help, just a couple of questions I have :)

    Take care!
    And good luck! You'll have to keep us post on how the weight loss is going!
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Wow! I guess I'm one of those people that chose to change my eating habits and lifestyle over any type of surgery. Lifestyle changes last a lifetime, a temporary fix is simply that. Have you tried MFP in losing weight? Many many members had planned on WLS and threw out the idea after losing their weight on here in a healthy manner not involving invasive surgery.

    I do hope you change your mind, you'll find members on here that have lost 200+ pounds on their own using the MFP support boards, tools here and altering their habits into healthier ones.

    Welcome to MFP, I do hope you try this site before making a surgery attempt that will alter your body and life forever. A number of members have gone the lapband, sleeve and other invasive surgery routes only to quickly gain the weight back and not have learned how to alter their eating habits.
  • angiesteele
    angiesteele Posts: 366 Member
    Wow! I guess I'm one of those people that chose to change my eating habits and lifestyle over any type of surgery. Lifestyle changes last a lifetime, a temporary fix is simply that. Have you tried MFP in losing weight? Many many members had planned on WLS and threw out the idea after losing their weight on here in a healthy manner not involving invasive surgery.

    I do hope you change your mind, you'll find members on here that have lost 200+ pounds on their own using the MFP support boards, tools here and altering their habits into healthier ones.

    Welcome to MFP, I do hope you try this site before making a surgery attempt that will alter your body and life forever. A number of members have gone the lapband, sleeve and other invasive surgery routes only to quickly gain the weight back and not have learned how to alter their eating habits.

    I agree!
  • qtwells82
    qtwells82 Posts: 352
    Wow! I guess I'm one of those people that chose to change my eating habits and lifestyle over any type of surgery. Lifestyle changes last a lifetime, a temporary fix is simply that. Have you tried MFP in losing weight? Many many members had planned on WLS and threw out the idea after losing their weight on here in a healthy manner not involving invasive surgery.

    I do hope you change your mind, you'll find members on here that have lost 200+ pounds on their own using the MFP support boards, tools here and altering their habits into healthier ones.

    Welcome to MFP, I do hope you try this site before making a surgery attempt that will alter your body and life forever. A number of members have gone the lapband, sleeve and other invasive surgery routes only to quickly gain the weight back and not have learned how to alter their eating habits.

    I agree as well.
    Good Luck to you and welcome!
  • teacher4380
    Greetings from a surgery sister! I had my lapband surgery 8/8/08 and it has changed my life!

    There are/were a few posts that had some questions and such....we do take extra supplements and there are actually ones made for bariatric surgery (and they don't taste too bad I have to say!) Another post should understand that this is a choice to change our eating habits & provides a tool to get you started. There is nothing easy about weightloss surgery! It is a lifelong change as with any eating habit/lifestyle that you commit to! You may have a few times of struggles as all do in a journey! Also, if you are having it done laproscopically, then it in considered minimally invasive...actually they are saying that lapband will be an in & out surgery within the next 1-2 years...which is a bit scary!!!

    This site is a great way to start tracking your intake & exercise...makes for a great "diary". Since I have been using it, I can look back and see how it used to take me 30 minutes to do a mile and as of today, I am at 12:30 woohoo!!! Keep going & get/keep a positive support group around you that understand your surgery & new lifestyle! Enjoy everyday of the new you!!! I hope you all the success in the world!!! Good luck!
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    OMG.....really? Here we go again....

    Welcome to MFP and congrats on choosing a healthier LIFESTYLE. I also have the lapband and have been successful with incorporating better habits. Yes, it is a TOOL. And it CAN lead to permanent weight loss so long as you do your part. It is NOT the easy way out and and I am sure you have done some research and know what is expected of you.

    You can and will be successful if you follow your doctor's and the programs guidelines and rules by the letter. Stay on liquids until you are told you can move on to pureed and/or soft foods. Chew, chew, chew once you are on solids. Slowing down adn taking your time are essential to ensuring you get the maximum benefits of the lapband. If you are told to limit and or avoid certain foods, then by golly, do so!

    Most importantly, surround yourself with SUPPORTIVE people. I have found some wonderful, inspiring, and motivating friends here on MPF. I have found a wonderful group of fellow WLS people and quite a few OPEN MINDED, NON-JUDGEMENTAL non WLS friends as well.

    We are ALL supposed to be here to support and encourage each other. I wish you the best of luck. You have made a decision that is the best and right desicion for YOU. This is YOUR journey. This is your chance to put the past behind you.

    Feel free to send me a friend request.
  • bevbeers
    bevbeers Posts: 7
    What is it? I'd like to know Thanks
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    hey and welcome
    good luck with the surgery - I'm interested in how it works so update us please :)
    friend request heading your way :)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Indeed here we go again.

    WLS is not a quick fix nor it is the easy option.

    It is a great tool but you have to work very hard with it, it will not lose the weight for you. And it is not invasive surgery either.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Welcome! And how exciting about the lap band! I've heard good things! (my only concern is how do you get all the nutrients you need each day? Do you get extra supplements?)....sorry, I don't mean to sound like I'm getting on you for it, because they can be very beneficial..and I have some friends that I know it would help, just a couple of questions I have :)

    Take care!
    And good luck! You'll have to keep us post on how the weight loss is going!
    You dont need to take supplements daily, although this advice varies from Dr to Dr. A healthy diet will see that you get everything you need.
  • wriglucy
    wriglucy Posts: 1,064 Member
    Greetings from a surgery sister! I had my lapband surgery 8/8/08 and it has changed my life!

    There are/were a few posts that had some questions and such....we do take extra supplements and there are actually ones made for bariatric surgery (and they don't taste too bad I have to say!) Another post should understand that this is a choice to change our eating habits & provides a tool to get you started. There is nothing easy about weightloss surgery! It is a lifelong change as with any eating habit/lifestyle that you commit to! You may have a few times of struggles as all do in a journey! Also, if you are having it done laproscopically, then it in considered minimally invasive...actually they are saying that lapband will be an in & out surgery within the next 1-2 years...which is a bit scary!!!

    This site is a great way to start tracking your intake & exercise...makes for a great "diary". Since I have been using it, I can look back and see how it used to take me 30 minutes to do a mile and as of today, I am at 12:30 woohoo!!! Keep going & get/keep a positive support group around you that understand your surgery & new lifestyle! Enjoy everyday of the new you!!! I hope you all the success in the world!!! Good luck!

    Thanks for the info! I was always just curious about the nutrients part :) Good luck to all of you with lapband! I know some people argue against it, but really...ultimately it's your decision, and your health.

    Good luck!
  • lynh564
    lynh564 Posts: 9 Member
    Hello and good luck. I had my lapband placed in April 2010. It has been a great tool. It has dimmed my appetite which helps me making better food choices. I have tried every diet known to mankind. I always did well if I was taking an appetite suppressant but as soon as I stopped, the weight would come back on. They are just understanding how some morbidly obese people have a dysfunctional physical saiety issue. I will tell you that I have worked hard during the past year to lose just over 100lbs. Some people do need the extra help that wls can provide. Keep in mind, that people who have wls - have tried so many times to lose the weight on their own. The tool won't fix your head but if you look at it as a tool and work it - wls works.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Are you WLS girls at your sweet spot yet?
  • JoleenHitsPlay
    OK, I came here for support, enough said!!!! I am getting the band because despite exercise and caloric intake of 1700 calories (give or take), I CANNOT loose weight. That being said, I believe each persons journey is just that EACH PERSONS JOURNEY, and we need to be respectful and encouraging and NOT rude! I have lost weight before and kept it off for years, unfortunately my thyroid medicine and metabolism will not allow me to eat like I used to, so I came to this SUPPORT BOARD FOR SUPPORT, If you cannot give it to me then, please don't comment!!! THANKS!

    I choose this tool at this time because it is right for me, I really appreciate all the positive feedback!

  • JoleenHitsPlay
    Thanks so much for the encouragement, This is why I came to this board!!!
  • gdnplnty
    gdnplnty Posts: 170 Member
    Hello and welcome to your journey on MFP. I am curious, but prior to having WLS, isn't there a lot of counseling and appointments involved? Are there classes to instruct and weigh the pros and cons? I know that there is still very few insurances that will cover this procedure, so I imagine that the cost is also a huge impact upon the decision to have this done.

    Even with having WLS, you will stil have to monitor and watch intake of foods. Will there be certain items that you will not be able to eat? I know after my gallbladder, fried is a HUGE No-No. It is a good thing since I don't need fried. I can imagine that the nutrient loss because of food intake loss could have an effect on bone density as well. Is that something that they monitor during the post procedure?

    I think that it is wonderful that you have found something that will work for you, and if I was having the same things going on with you, I am sure that I could hardly stand the waiting till it was done. I wish you the best of luck in your procedure and look forward to also hearing about how you maintain afterwards.
  • K1Teacher
    K1Teacher Posts: 324 Member
    I'm so jealous! I miss my band so much! I had it done about 5 years ago and lost about 60 lbs in 5 months...then it slipped and had to be removed. :'(
    I would do it again in a heartbeat! I wish you all the best!!
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    best wishes on your decision to have your sugery. You do what you have to do to get healthy. I use a tool as well in my journey and its helped tremendously, .lol, my second hang out, the gym......I use the cardio machines for my tool, so I truly understand what you mean

    I hope all goes well, youre going to do great, and you will get a lot of support from folks here, they supported me as well, Im close to my 200th day........take care and best wishes...........Lloyd
  • ToniAnn411
    Indeed here we go again.

    WLS is not a quick fix nor it is the easy option.

    It is a great tool but you have to work very hard with it, it will not lose the weight for you. And it is not invasive surgery either.

    I agree, WLS is not a quick fix. What you put in, is what you get out. I got banded 12/2010, a little over a year. I changed my way of thinking, I eat healthier and I exercise daily. You do have to put in the work to see the results.
    The biggest misconception people have about WLS is that we all think it's a quick fix. Don't these people realize that for most people that had WLS did actually try our hardest to get healthy and lose weight? I didn't just up and get the surgery, it was a decision that took me 3 years to make, being under the care of a dr and a nutritionist. I got little to no results. So after lots of research and lots and lots of thinking it over, I opted for it, and I am so happy that I did. That's not to say that there aren't people out there that do go and get the WLS thinking it is a quick fix, when in fact it isn't. You CAN and WILL gain weight if you don't change your lifestyle.

    Good luck with your surgery!