Loose Skin?? :( :( :(



  • EmelyJ
    EmelyJ Posts: 208
    Right after I had my first son, (i'm 5'3, he was 9lbs 2oz at birth-no c-section) so I was HUGE. I lost all the weight I had gained and then some. I was stepping out of the shower and my husband actually said to me, "so when is that (pointing to the saggy belly skin) going to go away?"
    I promptly sat down and cried because after losing 50lbs and being pretty damn proud of myself, the saggy skin is what he noticed.
    I told him that if I manage to get back down to that weight, about 130-140 again- if he wants the saggy skin gone, he's going to have to pay for it!
    My ob/gyn told me flat out, the only way to "fix" that kind of damage to skin is to have surgery. No amount of sit ups or crunches will repair the skin damage of pregnancy on a short woman.

    I'm not saying that, that's not the only solution, but I know a few people who are skinny have 2-3 kids and they do not have a saggy skin nor strech marks. I'd love to know their secrets, but honestly I think it depends on each indiviual bodies. This post is really good, because I too have that problem, and i've been thinking I was going to get rid of it but i guess i was wrong. The pouch has gone away but they sagginess is still holding loose.