
Hi, my name is Rob and I just joined myfitnesspal.com by browsing for apps for my Android. It looks like this will be a great tool to help lose some weight and get in shape for some fitness goals I have for myself this summer. I've learned that keeping track of what I eat is actually more important than just exercising alone. People tend to underestimate what they consume in a day. I know I certainly do. I wish everyone well in your health endeavors.



  • Riliye
    Riliye Posts: 44 Member
    You're so right! I never knew how much I was underestimating until I started measuring and watching and logging. My goodness! No wonder I needed to drop the weight, haha! MFP has been great in getting me starting with one foot in front of the other. My challenge was more the other way around...I had to learn to exercise WITH my counted calories. Now that I've started, I can't imagine not doing it...

    Good luck with your goals. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Welcome. I use the app on my droid too! I love the scanner for foods (when it works1!) and to be able to keep it updated wherever I go. I use the website all the time too! Feel free to add me and good luck!!