newbie from florida

Hello! my name is Jenn im 30 will be 31 this month. Im trying to lose weight so I can spend more time with my wonderful hubby. I signed up here a long while ago and love the app for my android phone. I hope I can do this, this time. I always get so anxious and then just stop. The last time i thought i will start slow i started walking at work during my breaks and lunch..well somehow I pulled a muscle in my back. I have an appt in a few weeks with an ortho and hopefully he can help me I need the exercise to help with the food choices i make.

I hope to meet a bunch of friends here to help me through my journey.


  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    also looking for buddies maybe locally?

    I looked into lapband and my insurance doesn't cover it. I have pcos, and am hypothyroid. dr just put me back on BC to regulate my hormones. I feel better but no babies.. :( I have my furbabies..see my ticker) but other than that just trying to be there for my wonderful hubby
  • itsjustme77
    itsjustme77 Posts: 102
    I have a long way to go as well, also have a thyroid problem. Good luck.
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    You too! thank you for responding.
  • tnielsen2
    Welcome!! and good luck !
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    Thank you!