Aww now I feel bad....

My boyfriend is very supportive of my weightloss and tells me all the time how great I look....but I think he had a moment of paranoia last night. Since losing some (I had gained about 8 pounds since we met but now I have lost that plus 4 pounds!) I feel more comfortable in some of my clothes and some shirts that didn't look so great look good now. So lately I've been putting more thought into what I wear to work and I was trying something on last night to make sure it looked ok. I mean before, I wore a lot of polo shirts because they were like my work equivalent to pajamas.

He kept asking what the special occasion was and why I was figuring out what to wear. He didn't come out and say anything, but I think he was wondering why I care so much about how I look for work, maybe wondering if there was someone I am trying to impress, lol. I explained that I just feel better in my clothes now and he didn't press it any further which tells me he wasn't too worried, but still, awwww....anyone else's significant other reacting weird despite the great support they are?


  • amymeenieminymo
    amymeenieminymo Posts: 2,394 Member
    My boyfriend is very supportive of my weightloss and tells me all the time how great I look....but I think he had a moment of paranoia last night. Since losing some (I had gained about 8 pounds since we met but now I have lost that plus 4 pounds!) I feel more comfortable in some of my clothes and some shirts that didn't look so great look good now. So lately I've been putting more thought into what I wear to work and I was trying something on last night to make sure it looked ok. I mean before, I wore a lot of polo shirts because they were like my work equivalent to pajamas.

    He kept asking what the special occasion was and why I was figuring out what to wear. He didn't come out and say anything, but I think he was wondering why I care so much about how I look for work, maybe wondering if there was someone I am trying to impress, lol. I explained that I just feel better in my clothes now and he didn't press it any further which tells me he wasn't too worried, but still, awwww....anyone else's significant other reacting weird despite the great support they are?
  • shashod
    shashod Posts: 103
    He said that only for he can see the weight falling off he'd insist I was cheating with a guy called Jim :laugh:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    OH yeah. My husband is very fearful of me becoming someone he's not used to. I had to sit him down and explain to him that me losing weight and feeling better about myself doesn't mean I love him any less at all, or that I won't be the same person, but that it will make me happier. It's something I'm doing purely for me, not for any other guy or any other reason, but just to make myself a little happier so that we have more years together. Having that talk with him helped him be a lot more supportive.

    And congratulations on all your clothes fitting better!!! Isn't that awesome??? I've been wearing my pre-pregnancy jeans every day because they finally fit again!!!! Woooooooo!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    My DH just keeps telling me to buy tighter clothes...MEN!!!
    He was never jealous or insecure and likes me to look nice...

  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    hehe my husband told me he was going to beat up anybody who looked at me at the beach. LOL and he's always grabbing my waist and saying how skinny I am. LMAO I am still far from skinny, but he is a happy man. I am 54 lbs lighter than I was when we got married, so I think he's thinking he hit the jackpot lmao
  • BrenNew
    BrenNew Posts: 3,420 Member
    My DH just keeps telling me to buy tighter clothes...MEN!!!
    He was never jealous or insecure and likes me to look nice...


    LOL, my husband is the exact same way! He wants tigher clothes too!
  • rogers8702
    rogers8702 Posts: 533 Member
    my husband is a typical man doesnt say much about anything, but i do catch him watching me more and sometime with a very naughty look on his face and it makes me feel good even though he doesnt say any thing to me i know what he is thinking.:love:

    i have heard comments from other that my husband has said things to them about how much weight i've lost though. which also feels good its like he is bragging :tongue: :love: