Church Dilemma.... HELP!



  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    When I am going to an event that centers around food I try and bring a healthy dish with me too. It's fun to play around with recipes and show up with a plate of cookies or muffins and know that they are "secretly" healthy!

    Great idea!
  • LaJauna
    LaJauna Posts: 336 Member
    I just don't eat it. If it's just a quick meeting or before/after church I tend to just skip it. Little plates of snacks during a meeting are there to take or leave and I don't feel awkward skipping on those occasions. Heck, I bring the muffins every Sunday and do all the cutting a plating but I never eat them! I don't care for Costco muffins and I'm keeping my carbs in check.

    I also do a weekly bible study with the ladies. That one there tends to be lots of goodies and I admit I'm hungry by the time I have to leave. I try to choose the best things for my plan if there are any. Usually there is some type of fruit so I go for that. I always keep nuts or some other snack in the car for these situations. If I plan ahead I bring something myself that I can do. If there isn't anything that will work I just don't eat there either.

    This Sunday we have a pasta and salad potluck after church. Yeah, I'm watching my carbs and we're having pasta! Salads can be pitfalls too with all the crazy stuff people put in them. I'll be bringing a big thing of something with meat in it. If there isn't much for me to choose from I'll just be eating light until I get home.
    I have switched to Dreamfields Pasta and it has done the trick! I just bring my own protion ready to eat. You can bring a whole container to share if you want!
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    I've gone and not eaten, just gone and been social and enjoyed the company, on several occasions I brought a microwave dish that fit into my diary. If that made me uncomfortable (It took me a bit to realize healthy was more important than awkward, and to get over it.) I just brought a whole dish.
  • sylvia1970
    sylvia1970 Posts: 134
    Can't people say no thanks, these days, without feeling guilty???

    Come on its so simple.

    If they expect you to eat something (which I know they don't) just say you've either eaten or you'd rather save it for later or for your favourite relative who just happens to be visiting you later that day