OT: Any home daycare providers here?

Well this is sort of off topic but sort of related to weight loss.

Did any of you continue home daycare once your own kids started school or could stay home alone? Or did you work outside the home after that?

Right now, I can't stop b/c I have obligations to families that I care for (some of them are family members too). My youngest kids start school in September. I always thought I would stop once they started school but realized I would need summer daycare. So..I will continue. BUT..the hardest part of my day is MY OWN kids. Of course they give me the most trouble (pushing buttons). I am hoping once they are in school all day..may day will be less stressful.

BUT..here is the related to weight part. Since my twins turned 2, I feel like stress is why I have put on about 15 lbs since then. SO...even though I'm trying to get back down..it's been a slow go..b/c of stress! :(


  • LindaSueBakk
    LindaSueBakk Posts: 145 Member
    I ran an in-home daycare for over 20 years. If you have a passion for working with children, keep doing it! It is much, much easier after your own children are older or at least in school. I quit three years ago and now at the age of 59, I'm starting again! I miss having kids around and feel like I am providing a very important service!!!
  • hoosiermama44
    I am an in home child care provider. I started when my now 10 year old was a baby and told myself I would just do it until she was in school. Then I got pregnant right before she started kindergarten so here I am with my 4 year old at home. I've finally decided to just stick with it because I don't have an options for after school/vacation/summer child care except a day care center. I think I make more money this way anyway plus I'll always be here. But yet, it gets so hard sometimes! It's a lonely job because you aren't part of the "stay at home moms" who can at least join a mommy group once a month or maybe go to lunch here or there or something. You aren't the "working outside the home mom". You are somewhere in between. I am home all day but yet can't go to my daughter's field trips with her. BUT I keep telling myself it's the best thing I can do for them, I can't afford to not work at all and I can barely afford to work outside the home!

    And yes, my own son is ALWAYS the hardest kid. He acts out more because he's here with "Mom", he has to share everything. Over the years I"ve learned some tools and tricks to get through the day but I'm always looking for support!

    I only have one napper now so it's hard to sit down and eat a healthy lunch and that is one of my biggest obstacles right now - I go all day either grabbing what is handy and sneaking it so they don't all see it and want to eat or eating their leftovers. I'd love some support/encouragment for each other- feel free to add me to your friend list if you'd like!