How long before you saw the scale go down?

Hey all,

I started working out pretty regularly on January 1st doing spin class twice a week, swimming at least 3 times a week, and strength training thrown in for good measure. I follow my caloric goal as laid out by MFP and try to eat healthy. I haven't lost any weight.

However, a few weeks ago I took my measurements and then a week later I took them again - I was shocked and amazed to see that I had lost inches without even noticing.

My question is, how long before you started seeing the numbers on the scale go down along with the numbers on the tape measure?


  • leahsevilla
    leahsevilla Posts: 127 Member
    You might not. In my experience I can have the same measurements and be 5 lbs different OR can have the measurements change and weight not. The reason you're losing inches is because your gaining muscle and muscle is smaller than fat. If I were you I'd focus on how your clothes fit, your measurements and how you're feeling rather than the scale since they can be inconsistent and are a bad judge of progress :)

    good luck!
  • Leela30
    Leela30 Posts: 177 Member
    It changes.. apparently for me nothing changes for a long while and then suddenly I'll notice I've lost 5 lbs. And I've noticed (I think) my pants are getting looser, though my measurements and weight haven't changed. I'd take all 3 into consideration
  • tata_rio
    tata_rio Posts: 8
    Weight is not important if your body composition is changing... Muscle is heavier and more dense than fat. So, the fact that you can see your measures going down is the best reward ever. People have different bone mass and other measures, so the weight itself is relative to a lot of other variables. Because your workout routine seems pretty intense, if you keep gaining muscle on a similar pace that you are losing fat, your weight won't change much.

    The important thing is that you are healthy, feeling good about your body and having fun with all these workouts.

    Congrats on the awesome routine!
  • katekrise
    katekrise Posts: 178 Member
    It's probably because you're replacing fat with muscle. That's good!
    I have only done cardio, so I've seen the scale go down quicker. I lost about 15 lbs in about a month.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    Oh my gosh girl! I have been in the same boat... I have lost 6 inches in the last two months (started at the begining of january) HAVENT LOST A SINGLE POUND. But my Muscle weight to fat weight exchange has been even which is why I haven't been losing weight. Jumped on the scale first time in two months and the scale read 1.5 lbs lower than it did when I weighed myself at the begining.

    Took me two months tho to lose that pound and a half. its normal especially if you don't have a ton of weight to lose.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Same general question that I responded to a half hour ago. I will copy/paste my response here as it still applies.

    "Numbers on the scale become meaningless after a while. The main point behind weight loss is usually for "fat loss," which people tend to overlook and associate "weight" with "fat." Unless your goal is to lose plain old weight, with disregard for physique and muscle deterioration, then yes, I can see how the numbers would matter. Burn through muscle stores along with the fat stores by doing straight cardio with no rest days, and do not do strength training if you just want numbers to go down."

    As long as your measurements have changed for the better, there's no need to use a scale as measurement for health. You did say you do strength training, while the resistance from the water when you swim does tone muscles at the same time.

    To answer your question, weight loss is different for everyone on the scale. Personally, since I was morbidly obese, I saw it within 1 to 2 weeks of diet changes and a little exercise. I don't know what weight you started off at, where you're at now, or what your frame is, but generally the heavier you are, the faster you lose weight... and it's initially just water weight.
  • Sasha_Bear
    Sasha_Bear Posts: 625 Member
    I think it's different for everybody in the first week I lost about 3 pounds and then it seemed I was losing at least about 2 a week and now It's about a 1 pound difference at the end of the week.
  • kattermelon
    Wow, thanks for so many replies!

    The reason I'm concerned is that I'm 190 pounds and only 5'2". I feel like I have a lot of fat to lose.

    Although I am feeling like a badass for working so hard I feel hopelessly far away from my goal. I still don't feel like I've accomplished that much.
  • ChristineMiller2
    Hi there,
    For me it took 4 months before I started seeing a change. In fact in the beginning I GAINED weight! I think because I was feeling like "I'm working out, so I need and CAN eat more" I was sabatoging myself. After awhile I settled in with working out and added lifting some weights. Lifting is good because it builds muscles that burns fat. Don't be fooled though, you don't add muscles by the pounds per month, maybe 1 lb a month if things are going perfectly, that myth really drives me crazy so I had to add that. You've made great strides to get healthier so please do not let the scale get to you, keep going, keep adjusting until you see the results, don't give up whatever you do. I didn't and all of the sudden the weight is falling off and I can see a big difference in my shape and I'm excited, but it did not come fast or easy.......nothing thats ever worth it does! you can do this, I can "hear" it in your post that you are serious. Give yourself positive self talk and invision the body and health you are after!
  • kattermelon
    I appreciate the pep talk so much! :) I don't feel at all like giving up and I know it will be worth it in the end. I am getting married in three months and although I won't look exactly how I want, I'll feel healthier and happier and be a better partner to my fiance.

    Just gotta keep fighting. Off I go to spin class!
  • Coco_Puff
    Coco_Puff Posts: 823 Member
    The thing with measurements is, we can't measure everywhere! At the beginning of the year I measured in four places, but I can see the changes in other spots. So, I'll take what I can get !!!!!