Ankles hurting when I run. Why?

Here is the story:
Last week I started the From Couch to 5k program that is described on You run every other day only and on the first week you alternate 60 seconds of jogging and 90 sec of walking, all that for 20 minutes (that it is, after a 5 min brisk walk). I did just that and my pace was reasonable. The first day was great. On the second and thid day (that was today), after 15 minutes of the walk/run routine, my ankles (on the front, not the back; and the left more than the right) started to burn to a point that I had to stop running and walked lslowly for the 5 minutes that were left. I walk/run on a brand new treadmill.
For those who have experience in running, what is it? Is it because I am overweight (169 lbs for 5'3'')? Do I need new shoes ? Is it because I am a beginner? Will it go away in a couple of weeks? Do I have to warm up longer?
I really enjoy that routine until my ankles start hurting.
Thanks for any advice you may have.


  • jimmydeanbakker
    Um...If you've spent years on the couch, you're going to feel some pains when you get off the couch to run on a hard surface. Don't push yourself too hard because you want to avoid injury. As you weight drops and you become a stronger runner, you should feel less pains.
  • LanakilaGirl
    LanakilaGirl Posts: 41 Member
    It could be shoes. I find that a nice new pair of running shoes can solve quite a few problems. The other thing I would look at would be the way you're running. Do you let you're feet go through a full range of motion or do you tend to keep you're feet in a more flexed position. Pay attention to that and see what you find.
  • bearsmilf
    im an advid runner .. ive experience ankle pain hewre and there its bec
    ause your useing muscles you dont usually use.. it will, goi away with reitition and time... dont stop running because of it jog threw the pain .... just like if you get a cramp in your side just run threw it rather then stop.. because when you do that and then start runnning again the cramp will come rite back.. .your body has to adjust to the new activity....
  • lookinggreat
    Um...If you've spent years on the couch, you're going to feel some pains when you get off the couch to run on a hard surface. Don't push yourself too hard because you want to avoid injury. As you weight drops and you become a stronger runner, you should feel less pains.

    I've never been a runner, so that might explain. I'm glad to know it'll slowly go away.
    Thanks !!!
  • jENNiP125
    Sounds like shin splints. I experienced those when I first started running. Ease up a bit as more running will continuing to aggravate them. Don't stop running altogether though. Build up your running. Its caused by multiple things could be one or all of the following: over-exerting/high-impact work outs, poor footwear, dehydration, or the shape of your foot. Get some good running shoes, and take some Tylenol for the swelling of the muscle. Also, by strengthening the various muscles of the leg, less irritation will be put on those ankles. So bottom line: new shoes, be patient with your workouts, and strength training. If it keeps up, see a doc or go to or another website for remedies. Good luck
  • lookinggreat
    Do you let you're feet go through a full range of motion or do you tend to keep you're feet in a more flexed position.

    Which one am I supposed to do?

    Thanks for the shoe suggestion. Mine are a little old. They are sports shoes but maybe not running shoes.