14 Day Natural Food Challenge - 8 spots left!

Please consider joining our 14 day Natural Foods Challenge. To do so, access this MFP Message Board Thread: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/183726-healthy-detox-challenge-no-fasting?page=1#posts-2440445

Challenge Goal: To consume only natural food and food combinations, including fruits/vegetables, whole grains, eggs, organic dairy and meats while eliminating refined sugars, hydrogenated oils, additives, and processed foods.

To make this manageable and the most-supportive challenge possible, participants will be limited to 12 people. First come, first serve.

This truly isn't a weight-loss challenge (although it's a likely byproduct). When I've done this successfully in the past, I've had a miserable few days of detox, followed by the most amazing boost of energy, elimination of cravings, and overall feeling of well-being. I've fallen away from this lifestyle and need help getting back to it. Are you in?!
