Jillian MIchaels or WW Diet? Or any help here?

I am totally serious this time, I am going to lose 25 lbs! I have gone up and down, used MFP used LoseIt, all online calculators and keeping track.
This time it is over, and I will steady lose weight! What is different this time? I think I saw the real me, no this is not the real me. I want to be where I was six years ago before I quit smoking; 144 lbs. But this time I want to go to 136!
In all my research, I looked into Jillian Michaels Diet, WW, and it all comes to one thing: your daily calories, your fitness plans/exercises, calories in/out. Right?
To stay motivated, stay on a plan I consider to pay for a diet plan. Not sure yet, because if I am really serious I could do it here for free, isnt it?Are there others that feel better motivated by paying? Anyone familiar with Jillian Michaels onine Diet? I know WW is quite successful and still number one on Best Diets but lately people complain that the New Points Plus give too many points and result is not losing weight......SIGH! Anyone will advice me?


  • hollyknouse
    hollyknouse Posts: 232 Member
    I have done ww and other plans but nothing has worked better for me than counting calories and exercising. Burn more calories than you take in. I was down 111 pounds and had a little relapse but am back on track. You can do it and we are all here to help you!
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    Eating right and exercising are the only way to do it. You're right, calories in/calories out. I've read a lot of Jillian Michaels stuff and I think she has some very valid information as well as Weight Watchers, but the bottom line is track what you eat, eat less than you burn but meet your net calories.

    Good luck in your journey. I too am have 25 more to go. I am pretty dedicated to it this time!!! And MFP has been the best tool I've found!!!
  • aethorne
    aethorne Posts: 11
    I think it depends on how much you're trying to lose and what your goals are.

    I did ww a few years ago and was only allowed the least amount of points per day because of my weight. I'm a runner so it left me very hungry because I would be done with my points by lunch!
    I have not tried anything by Jillian but I hear good reviews about her.
    You need to try a couple things out and see what works.
    I also have the Food Lovers Fat Loss system, tried to follow the books Skinny ***** and You: On a Diet, I have tried p90x, Turbo Jam, Hip Hop Abs....
    The only things that worked was following Turbo Jam religiously but that only lasted a month and a half then I saw no change and when I got a personal trainer last year. That is when I saw my best results. I lost 10 lbs in 3 months and was in the best shape of my life.
    If you know people that have systems try them out before you put money into anything. When I did ww I got all the info from a friend and photocopied it.

    Good Luck!