
Just venting...

Went out to lunch with a colleague which I totally avoid doing and ate an entire meatball hero... ughhh! I know I shouldn't stress about one meal (which I am) but more importantly I feel like total crap now! How do I undo this misery!! But in a way I feel good... knowing months ago I would have done this and not even flinched.. now my body is physically rebelling which in a way is good I guess. But still.. feel like hurling still, hours after the fact. Don't know what I was thinking, probably wasn't. Hoping an hour or so at the gym tomorrow AM will make me feel better and make it right! :angry:


  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Yah, and the next time you are tempted by something bad, just remember how you'll feel kinda makes it not taste so good after all!!!
  • PamDW
    PamDW Posts: 246
    the guilt of eating something bad makes me not want it.... I have had my moments of cheating... then start thinking the same thing... how am I going to undo it.... usually alot more exercise time.
  • BrianJLamb
    BrianJLamb Posts: 239 Member
    No misery to undo. This is an awesome learning experience. That gross feeling is what will keep you from eating a whole meatball sub for a little while. Those are the reminders you need that will benchmark your progress. I eat markedly less than I used to, and definitely less garbage. When the mood to eat garbage hits and I go for it, I feel like poop for a good while afterward. Healthy foods become the reward and bad foods get remembered as the punishment.

    I used to eat a whole Ben and Jerry's pint and then pass out from the sugar and fat. Now I eat a frozen yogurt with fresh fruit and I feel awesome and not at all guilty. You did good! Build the bad feeling into motivation.
  • obifatkanobi
    My wife and I used to love going out to eat, and have found places that we can eat foods that work with our new lifestyle, but anymore, the food is always so salty and we feel horrid after. Our healthy eating has our bodies no longer immune to the chemicals that are so prominent in most commercial foods. We purchased a take home pizza a few weeks ago, thinking this would be safer, but again, we felt terrible after, only to find that the crust they used had more junk in it than a home chemistry set.

    It's rewarding to know that we have moved away from these unhealthy foods, but as i commented to her at dinner tonight, "Isn't it awful that our food supply isn't fit to eat anymore?"
  • sauza
    sauza Posts: 159 Member
    Hey, if it helps, I forgive myself way quicker by doing 'anything' / 'something' no matter how small to work off the extra calories. That is when those 5/10/15 minutes can make a huge difference. When I overdid it Sun night - bothered me until after a real hard workout on Mon ('cause I've lost my mind with this weight gain) BUT I did some stuff with wii fit and after that having more energy I took the dog for a short walk (happy dog). It felt so much better to go from over 300 calories up, down to 200 +, down to 100+ and it only took a few minutes. I used to be sure to take the stairs a work (up and down a couple of times) just to knock off some C if I had more lunch than I meant to, etc. :)