How often do you work out?



  • sftb
    sftb Posts: 40
    I work out 5-6 days a week. I have a flexible schedule, which fortunately allows me ample time to get it in, days are critical for performance. Sometimes my 5 day weeks yield much better workouts than my 6-day weeks. The important thing is to listen to your body and not compare to others. Some bodies are more efficient with fewer intense workouts than others. I am training for a triathlon, and from that perspective, understand the guilt of not doing a workout as planned....but I have learned that I can do more damage by pushing too much when my body is telling me to chill. And I'm sure you are well versed in the importance of adjusting your nutrition intake to match your acitivities (this is why I really like this tool!). I wish you all the best in your health and fitness journey!
  • yyzdnl
    yyzdnl Posts: 127 Member
    9 times a week. Low intensity cardio in am and weight training in pm three days per week with high intensity cardio on non strength training days and one day off.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    I hit the gym 5 days a week, but I go twice on all those days. At one gym I'll do cardio/ weights/ abs and then later in the day I do about an hour+ of cross-fit. 2 days a week I have volleyball practice (2 hours/ practice) and then on my rest days (the weekends) you can usually find me at the climbing gym or the soccer field. I think rest days are important when you're starting off, but then you get into the swing of things and realize that you have so much energy all the time that resting seems practically impossible.