First for Me

Fat2Flawless Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I have never been one to join groups and tend to stay on the independent path. I started this journey 81 lb.. heavier and married to the worst man I have ever known. Now, I am getting to the point where it isn't about losing weight anymore. It is so much more than that. It is something I am accomplishing on my own, something that I have dreamt, planned, and talked about since I got sober. It is something that my children are getting involved in and becoming more active. It is something that will make my wedding day everything I want it to be. It is something making me healthier and enabling me to make healthier choices not just for me but for my whole family.

I am almost there, and everyday I get closer my weight becomes less important to me and I am recognizing the beauty around me as this veil of dysmorphic thoughts lifts. I want to be a part of something, I want people to support me and I want to support others in their journey to accomplish one of the toughest tasks known to man! Bettering yourself, taking time for self and appreciating the life you have.
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