I'm putting weight on :(



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I do have alot of weight to lose of my stomach and thighs, no weight goes on my arms and shoulders for some reason, but i carry alot of fat on my stomach and thighs.

    If i walk for 10 mins on the treadmill at a speed of 5mph it nearly kills me and yet i can go for a brisk walk for 1hr with my dog and manage fine.

    So i am thinking maybe its a psychological things and i convince myself I can't do it. I have actually just got on the treadmll earlier to see if i can do longer on a lower speed, and did 15mins at the speed of 4mph and managed fine but got bored.


    That sounds a lot better!! :smile:

    If boredom is a factor you simply need to find some exercise you actually enjoy!

    If breathlessness is a factor, you just need to slow down a bit.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I do have alot of weight to lose of my stomach and thighs, no weight goes on my arms and shoulders for some reason, but i carry alot of fat on my stomach and thighs.

    If i walk for 10 mins on the treadmill at a speed of 5mph it nearly kills me and yet i can go for a brisk walk for 1hr with my dog and manage fine.

    So i am thinking maybe its a psychological things and i convince myself I can't do it. I have actually just got on the treadmll earlier to see if i can do longer on a lower speed, and did 15mins at the speed of 4mph and managed fine but got bored.


    What if you try another cardio method? Maybe you just hate the treadmill so much your body is rejecting it? :flowerforyou:

    How about some Zumba or 30 Day Shred or something else to get your heart pumping that you enjoy? I hated exercise until I discovered things that I enjoy. Now I plan on doing them even after I lose this weight.
  • lnadeau66
    lnadeau66 Posts: 135 Member
    5 mph is fast for walking, slow it down to a comfortable pace, and you will be fine. You should probably get a physical if you haven't had one in a while, but I wouldn't panic, just relax and enjoy your workouts. When I'm on the treadmill, I talk on the phone (like I would if I was walking with a friend), or watch tv, or watch my kids play. :smile:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    Now I am just scared I am going to die if i go on the treadmill and that i have a health issue.

    Don't be scared go to the doctor and have things checked out. There is a reason whenever you get exercise equipment or programs that in their manuals they say check with your doctor first. Just so you know it is very easy to get out of shape and be a total unfit couch potato without health problems, but you should get checked out because at your age you shouldn't be that out of shape unless you do pretty much nothing through the day. BTW, it doesn't have to be something life threatening, but could be various other things that effect quality of life like your ability to exercise. When you see your doctor remember to say you have tried to run on your treadmill and can't seem to do it and why you can't.
  • randa_behnam
    randa_behnam Posts: 488 Member
    5mph your practically jogging, slow it down to 3.0 for the first couple weeks, and put some good music on to motivate you or put the tv on to something you enjoy watching. face your treadmill to view out the window or infront of the mirror to give you that motivation. I also carry most of my weight round my thighs and tummy and i found doing 10 - 15 minutes on the treadmill at 3.5 was really good at getting my heart rate up then i went onto using my dumbells and situps for a bit then did another 10-15 mins on the treadmill. break it up a bit to make it more interesting.

    It is always advisable to see your doctor before you plan to lose weight just so they can check blood pressure and cholestorol etc but walking on a treadmill is very different to walking the dog. have you ever shopped for whole day walking around a mall like a frantic lady in the sale and realised that youve been doing that all day and your not exhausted. you need to try and distract yourself from being bored. best tip....sing along to your fav songs. good luck! :o)