Who watched Biggest Loser last night? Beware - spoilers?!?!



  • rgfor40
    rgfor40 Posts: 79 Member
    The red team totally screwed themselves. They could win every weigh in if they kept Arthur. He's bound to have big numbers. Kaylee, Ken, and Moses all blew it at home. The vote should reflect the weakest link.
    Thats what i was saying the entire time!!!! Idiots!
    Next week when the y loose the weigh in they'll have to vone one of their own off.
    Arthur was good for the team.
  • megabux
    megabux Posts: 179 Member
    Biggest Loser is doing a great job of keeping it interesting! I will say that much.


    I agree with all of the comments in one way or another. The red team is there to play the game so of course they are going to be seen as "the villians" they are all into their "alliance" their "family" I knew when Arthur went red he was going home, but after seeing him back at his home, I think he is doing great. he is back with his dad and his kids and he is working his tail off to win the at home prize.
    I know that this is a "game show" and most are in it for the money, but I think the real winning is what Bob, Jillian, Bret and Kara are teaching them about their lives. It strikes such a cord with average joes because they are dealing with a larger scale of what we deal with everyday. You are routing for the underdogs, or the one that is just like you or your mom or dad. Eventually they will all go home, I hope that they all succeed, to me, if they learned how to live as respect their bodies, they are all winners....just not wealthy ones:P

    My predicition is that Rulon will win it all...just because I think it will make the best headline, but I REALLY REALLY want Courtney to win! I absolutely adore her. Her attitude will take her so many places in life, she is awesome!
  • It annoys me that people aren't playing this game for what it is. The red team has been voting people off just because they aren't considered "family." UMM!!!! They will be turning on each other soon regardless because it is a competition and someone has to be voted off each week. This season has been terribly annoying for that people aren't playing the game for what it is.
  • i watched the Biggest loser!! That show is off the chain!! Man I can't believe they sent Art home after that big Speech Bob made. I can not lie Art is doing great at home!! its good he back with his father so they can do it together!! I know he going to do great!!! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE TRYING TO REACH THEIR FITNESS GOALS!!
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    Arthur, should not have decided to game play a few weeks back. Although Art needed to be there I agree, but how fair is it to say that he deserves it more just because he is fatter? Not buying it. Art should not have turned on the green team. What goes around comes around. I quit liking Arthur as much the minute he threw the green team under the bus. I however would like to see him succeed in his weight loss and I was happy to see him so much smaller. As for the black team they are just as "family" oriented about their team and I think that it is great that the red and black have come together and are loyal to each other. It won't last though because this is still a game and money is involved.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    It annoys me that people aren't playing this game for what it is. The red team has been voting people off just because they aren't considered "family." UMM!!!! They will be turning on each other soon regardless because it is a competition and someone has to be voted off each week.

    Yeah, but if it buys all the original red members 1 more week atleast, why not be loyal? Who knows, if they win next week then they get another week to stay.

    Arthur didn't have any problems playing the game in the past, now it bit him in the *kitten*.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    It annoys me that people aren't playing this game for what it is. The red team has been voting people off just because they aren't considered "family." UMM!!!! They will be turning on each other soon regardless because it is a competition and someone has to be voted off each week.

    Yeah, but if it buys all the original red members 1 more week atleast, why not be loyal? Who knows, if they win next week then they get another week to stay.

    Arthur didn't have any problems playing the game in the past, now it bit him in the *kitten*.

    I Agree!!!!
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I still love how the black team didn't feel like they had a chance on the red line week...so 3 of the parents just gave up lol. They could have won that week (The red team didn't do so hot) and have the red team send somebody home instead of Jesse.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I know! I think Moses did the right thing by pushing his daughter instead of throwing in the towel. I don't know though as a mother it still bothers me the biggest loser a few seasons back when the chick wanted them to send her 20 something daughter home instead of herself then she ended up winning and her daughter was still big at the finale so maybe they were trying to avoid looking like that jerk of a mother.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I agree, Moses and his daughter seem like a good strong team. He protected her the right way........getting her *kitten* up and working out, not chugging water and eating like a pig for a week to take the fall. I don't respect the black team because of that. I hate when anyone throws in a weigh in.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    If I were in those parents shoes, I would've done the same thing. You always want your child's life to be better than your own. If you don't, you should not be called a parent. True, they could've pushed like Moses did, and maybe it would've worked. But this guarenteed that it worked. It's just a choice that a parent would make.

    Also, last night proved that the red team hasn't learned much but to get to the gym on time and work hard. Those first few weeks of having food cooked for them and being catered to and not taught how to live the life really hurt them. They, quite obviously, don't know how to go home and cook a healthy meal. The black team is learning lifelong lessons and understand how to use those lessons once they leave the ranch. Too bad you can't say that for the others.

    I'm still cheering for Jen. She's been my fave from day one! I LOATHE Courtney. She's a little attention *kitten*.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I think that is why I like the red team because even when they had immunity they were still there to lose weight instead of throwing the week before so that they could have a big number when it was their turn to face elimination. I am not too fond of this seasons contestants anyway. They are just not as likable as some other seasons and they all cry way too much. More than your average biggest loser so that is saying something.:laugh:
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    If I were in those parents shoes, I would've done the same thing. You always want your child's life to be better than your own. If you don't, you should not be called a parent. True, they could've pushed like Moses did, and maybe it would've worked. But this guarenteed that it worked. It's just a choice that a parent would make.

    Also, last night proved that the red team hasn't learned much but to get to the gym on time and work hard. Those first few weeks of having food cooked for them and being catered to and not taught how to live the life really hurt them. They, quite obviously, don't know how to go home and cook a healthy meal. The black team is learning lifelong lessons and understand how to use those lessons once they leave the ranch. Too bad you can't say that for the others.

    I'm still cheering for Jen. She's been my fave from day one! I LOATHE Courtney. She's a little attention *kitten*.

    As a parent the BEST thing you could ever do for your child is teach them how to work hard to earn something. Teaching them that you will "cheat" in order to get them what they want is always wrong parenting. Have confidence in your child that they have the ability to work their butts off and do good for themselves. It feels so much better when you have worked for it and what a better person you will turn out to be.
  • MommyRobot
    MommyRobot Posts: 268 Member
    If I were in those parents shoes, I would've done the same thing. You always want your child's life to be better than your own. If you don't, you should not be called a parent. True, they could've pushed like Moses did, and maybe it would've worked. But this guarenteed that it worked. It's just a choice that a parent would make.

    Also, last night proved that the red team hasn't learned much but to get to the gym on time and work hard. Those first few weeks of having food cooked for them and being catered to and not taught how to live the life really hurt them. They, quite obviously, don't know how to go home and cook a healthy meal. The black team is learning lifelong lessons and understand how to use those lessons once they leave the ranch. Too bad you can't say that for the others.

    I'm still cheering for Jen. She's been my fave from day one! I LOATHE Courtney. She's a little attention *kitten*.

    As a parent the BEST thing you could ever do for your child is teach them how to work hard to earn something. Teaching them that you will "cheat" in order to get them what they want is always wrong parenting. Have confidence in your child that they have the ability to work their butts off and do good for themselves. It feels so much better when you have worked for it and what a better person you will turn out to be.

    With adult children, you've lost your chance at teaching them those lessons. I agree with you 100% though. Those are lessons that need to be taught growing up. Lead by example. I know for a fact that if my mother and I were on that show. And she thought for any reason I might go home, she would do the same thing. She has told me that. When, a few seasons back, the mother sent her daughter home, my mother (and parents everywhere) were furious. I wouldn't want her to, and I would try to talk her out of it, because I've been raised the right way. I've been taught that you work hard for what you get-it doesn't get handed to you. You protect your child, you do whatever it takes-at all costs. I would do it for my own son if he were grown and unhealthy.
  • Momma24
    Momma24 Posts: 589 Member
    I hated what that mother did a few seasons back. That is different than telling your kid I don't think you have a chance so I am throwing this for you. I was glad they did it though because it saved the girl from the green team and I did not want to see her go home. I would have taken Moses' approach but I just have a lot of confidence in my 4 children.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm just wondering why in these situations of parent/child teams, it's always insisted the child not go home. I would think the older person would need more help because it's harder to lose weight as you get older. Especially if it's at a point that the child has already done really well, like if it were between Kaylee and Moses.
    Just my 2 cents.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    I dont see "attention *kitten*" anywhere in relation to Courtney. She has worked hard and it had paid off for her. I like her so much and I hope she wins it all. I think she has a great, determined attitude. Who I cannot stand is Hannah and her....sister (?). They are obnoxious. and I seriously doubt she was that great in volleyball.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I dont see "attention *kitten*" anywhere in relation to Courtney. She has worked hard and it had paid off for her. I like her so much and I hope she wins it all. I think she has a great, determined attitude. Who I cannot stand is Hannah and her....sister (?). They are obnoxious. and I seriously doubt she was that great in volleyball.

    I can't stand them either. I was laughing hard when Hannah was tearing it up on the court lol.
  • tmthorn0927
    tmthorn0927 Posts: 155 Member
    I dont see "attention *kitten*" anywhere in relation to Courtney. She has worked hard and it had paid off for her. I like her so much and I hope she wins it all. I think she has a great, determined attitude. Who I cannot stand is Hannah and her....sister (?). They are obnoxious. and I seriously doubt she was that great in volleyball.

    I can't stand them either. I was laughing hard when Hannah was tearing it up on the court lol.

    For me it's Jen who is annoying. Crying terribly at the past couple of weigh ins because she or her dad might go home. Arthurs father said it best - "we are all going to go home at some point".
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