Can Thyroid Issues Effect Weight Loss

Hello. I was diagnosed with hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid) back in 2009. I was uber hungry all the time and I had lost a few pounds because my metabolism was extremely fast. Fast forward to the present, and now I am never really hungry at all. I just gain weight. I graduated college in May of last year and I was also laid off from my job at that time, so I was at home and I gained like 20 lbs in what seemed like a month time frame. I really think my thyroid is now under active, and I am going to a physician to make sure. I work second shift and I have a small child, I don't really sleep much so when I take her to school, I usually go back to bed, then off to work. I really want to change, I have gained so much weight and its not flattering on my frame and I am just unhappy about it. I was just wondering do you all have any suggestions for me. I am also looking to join a fitness club but all the reviews I read are terrible so what should I look for in a gym, thank you in advance.


  • coxy1968
    coxy1968 Posts: 77
    Hi I had to have my thyroid gland removed 2 years ago and am now on daily meds, an overactive gland means you lose weight easily but under active is very slow. I have struggled to lose weight in the past year or so until i joined this site and counting caories has really worked for me alongside 3 decent cardio workouts at the gym.. I have lost 10lbs in 2 weeks which i am so thrilled with as it took me 5 months to lose 10lbs with a slimming club.

    My 3rd weigh in is in the morning but it is time of the month so not really expecting much.

    If you really want to do this you will and this site is great for support and motivation so welcome and good luck, feel free to add me as a friend :tongue:
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    I was hyper at one point then found out i had a goiter on my thyroid. had radiation done gained 120lbs in about 6months. its hard to get it back off. 6 small meals works best, walking works best, take vitamin d it will help with energy and with sleeping through the night. I also take vitamin b dots in case i need a pick up during the day. make sure to get a good multi vitamin that should help with energy levels as well. most of all make sure you get a second opinion of the thyroid issue. it took me almost 10 years and 4 doctors to finally get level on my meds.

    also forgot to say when i was diagnosed hyper the dr told me i should have been the size of a 12 year old girl...i didn't I weighed 180 at the time...then balooned up to my highest of 304. you can be hyper and overweight.

    good luck!