New to MFP!

Hey all,
So I was just looking around on the net and stumbled across this site. I know how lucky am I! So I am on what I call Operation Wedding! I know many have been there, so I'm really hoping for some help. My first dress fitting just sprung up on me it's actually this weekend.:noway: !!!! My actual wedding is in September and I would really like to be to my goal weight before my last dress fitting.:happy: . I have been really watching my eating habits and trying to keep them healthy but as a gymnastics coach, it's hard when you are out on the floor for hours and hours at a time and by the time I'm done working its 9:00pm and that's not such a good time to eat. So I've been making a lot of soups to eat out on the floor so if anyone knows of any good healthy soups that are easily drinkable bring em on!:laugh:
On another note, I am also currently doing a weight loss challenge with a few of my friend and so far I'm in 2nd place woo hoo! I've been havin a hard time tho because I as many are am an emotional eater and stress due to wedding planning is weighin me down. So I need a good kick to the rear so i can win my challenge to have a little spending money for my bachlorette party in Vegas!
Any help is much appreciated!


  • Nigel99
    Nigel99 Posts: 498 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend, and I'll help support and encourage you. I stumbled on to MFP via the phone apps, and it really is a great place. Lots of good information, and great support.

    As far as soups go, just watch the sodium in them - many of them are very high in sodium, and you want to watch that a bit when you're losing weight.