
OK - so I am NOT a flexible person. Yes, being a bit overweight doesn't help. But I have seen people at the gym who are my size or bigger and able to bend and flex a ton more than I can.

Does anyone have any tips to help increase flexibility? I have tried yoga and it's just not really my thing. I get kinda bored. So any other advice such as certain stretches that have helped you or a routine that works would be greatly appreciated!


  • melsaby
    melsaby Posts: 2
    I would just get a yoga ball and kind of make your own stretching workouts on it. i like to just roll around on mine when my back hurts or my legs are stiff. Just do what feel good.
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    Honestly I am in the same boat. I can't even touch my toes. Everyone that says try yoga already feels like they are more flexible then me, but it does work. Right now i just try to carve out 10 minutes in my day for stretching. every day, I push a little further and endure a deeper stretch. I will be able to do more with time and hopefully I will be doing yoga in a few months.