Frustrated. Stuck at 123 pounds. Need some assistance.



  • NiftyNancy
    NiftyNancy Posts: 26 Member
    also, I think my definition of deficit and yours are different. I am probably wrong...
    what I meant by deficit is that after eating and exercising i have 1400 calories left over in a day.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Need to clarify.
    I had an average of 1450 deficit per day for the last week.
    Which means it is just an average.
    For day i would eat 2000 calories and after burning 600 calories would have a deficit of 1400 for that day.
    The next day I wouldn't exercise and ate 1450 calories.

    So it is an average per day for 1 week. Does that make sense?

    I think you have the definition of deficit confused. Deficit occurs when you are burning more calories than you put in, basically eating less than the body requires to maintain your weight. Read the link that hpsnickers1 posted about lean people trying to get leaner by Stroutman, he knows his stuff.
  • NiftyNancy
    NiftyNancy Posts: 26 Member
    Yes got it!! Thank you...I think that is what I will be trying this week....i hope it works...i'm getting upset with this weight loss thing..geez.
  • USAFwifey12
    USAFwifey12 Posts: 373 Member
    Are you sure you're body fat percent is right, it seems pretty high for someone your height/weight (if it is correct you only have 89lbs of lean body mass)? When was the last time you had it tested using something more than a tape measure (i.e. a caliper)?

    Also this is a good link:

    The OP's screenname is now SHBoss1673. I have found that he and Stroutman's posts/blogs seems to be the most unbiased and informational. Plus they are willing to answer any questions they can so take advantage of that :smile:

    I'm not an expert but from what I've learned, your deficit should not be any great than 250/day because your BMR is going to be very low, probably around 1200. Multiply that times 1.2 (for a sedentary lifestyle) and you should be eating around 1450 calories a day to maintain. 1450 - a 250 deficit is 1150 NET calories per day. Again, that should be your goal for NET calories (i.e. - how many calories you consume minus calories burned from exercise) To lower BF% you should focus more on lifting now than cardio and eat back your exercise calories since you've already incorporated a deficit through eating.

    Note though that all of these number are estimates so you have to tweek things to see what works for you but you should be averaging a .5 lb loss per week if you keep your deficit at 250. However, you may not always see a loss if you start strength training because of water weight. The important thing is to focus on measurements and BF%.
  • Jessica_Lo
    Jessica_Lo Posts: 199 Member
    Need to clarify.
    I had an average of 1450 deficit per day for the last week.
    Which means it is just an average.
    For day i would eat 2000 calories and after burning 600 calories would have a deficit of 1400 for that day.
    The next day I wouldn't exercise and ate 1450 calories.

    So it is an average per day for 1 week. Does that make sense?

    I think you have the definition of deficit confused. Deficit occurs when you are burning more calories than you put in, basically eating less than the body requires to maintain your weight. Read the link that hpsnickers1 posted about lean people trying to get leaner by Stroutman, he knows his stuff.

    Thanks. I couldn't seem to word it right!! :flowerforyou:
  • NiftyNancy
    NiftyNancy Posts: 26 Member
    Ellis- thank you for your response! I checked my body fat with a body fat monitor (OMRON). Yes it is high...and yes it is true....I have a lot of fat on my body. I can see it all over my arms, stomach, thighs, butt...yuk..... that is why i am trying to lose body fat as well. I had gained a lot of weight when my boyfriend moved in...
    I was weighing 118 when I met him and went up to 129 for my highest...
    When i decided to put an end to the weight gain, I lost 4 pounds in 1 month just by reducing exercise....
    Then I wasn't losing I started adding exercise...then i only lost 2 pounds ....and I've been stuck at 123 ever since....
    I notice that fat is going down a little with the cardio i've been doing....I think i was eating a lot of crap before but now i am trying to picking healthier foods. that is why i have so much fat on my body...I noticed my tummy has gone down a little and my arms too...
    so this is why i am frustrated b/c I thought i was working out enough and eating enough to lose weight and i guess i haven't....
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Need to clarify.
    I had an average of 1450 deficit per day for the last week.
    Which means it is just an average.
    For day i would eat 2000 calories and after burning 600 calories would have a deficit of 1400 for that day.
    The next day I wouldn't exercise and ate 1450 calories.

    So it is an average per day for 1 week. Does that make sense?

    So if your net calories are 1400, what is your maintenance if it is 1800, your deficit would be 400 (1800-1400) and it would take 9 days to lose 1 lb (3500/400)
  • dieseljay74
    dieseljay74 Posts: 376
    To the OP...

    I have just that last 15 lbs. to lose myself. Although our dimensions are extremely different ( I'm 6'1" and 216 lbs. ) I don't have much body fat left to lose so this is probably the hardest point for your fat loss expectations. It defintely requires the most tweaking to get the results. I have found that the only thing that is denting my BF% now is calorie cycling. It's a concept of zig-zagging your calories throughout the week. Today I eat 2600...tomorrow day 2200 and so on.

    Check out this site and plug in your numbers.....
  • NiftyNancy
    NiftyNancy Posts: 26 Member
    Jay - thx!! Will try it.
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I really need some help trying to figure out how to lose weight. I have the food down. The exercise down. Now I need a plan. Can anyone help me in terms of how many calories to eat when I don't exercise and how many to eat when I do exercise?

    I'm 5 foot 2.
    Weight 123 pounds (for over a month)
    BMI 22.5
    Body fat 28%

    My goal is to lose fat and lose weight. My goal weight is 115-118 pounds.
    I have a HRM so I know how many calories I burn when I exercise. I am also tracking my food through calorie king. On average, I've had a deficit of 1450-1487 for the last week and haven't lost any weight at all.

    I'm thinking about eating 1200 calories when I don't exercise and eating 1500 when I do exercise ( I usually burn 300 calories during a workout). Does anyone have any insight for me. Would greatly appreciate it:)

    I am 5'2 and once weighed at 123. I was eating about 1260 cals. a day. I am down to 112 and now eating about 1200-to 1300 a day. I did do a splurge day once a week. Up your protein to. Make sure for your snacks you eat a carb with protein. example fruit and string cheese or almonds or cottage cheese. Eat 5 meals a day. Do you drink lots of water? I never ate my exercise cals bc I exercised at night at like 9 or 10 at night so it was a little late. I haven't gained any of it back.
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    I would start lifting weights, it sounds like your body doesn't have that much muscle mass on it, and that is why it is becoming more and more hard for you to lose those last few pounds. Cardio is great, but it will only help you to a certain extent. Definately start lifting weights. You may not see as much movement on the scale, but when you test your BF% it will have gone down.

    I would also take your measurements. You will notice this much quicker than the scale as you start lifting weights. I have dropped my BF percentage from almost 30% to 26% (just checked yesterday) and I have only lost ONE POUND. But I have lost lots of inches. THis is why i say measure yourself as you start weight lifting.

    That will be your quickest solution.
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