Just signed up....Loving this website already

Hi, I just found this website and am loving it already
I am a WW member and find this website much easier to use than the WW one.
Stuck at a plateau and very discouraged.


  • Lisamariemlt
    Lisamariemlt Posts: 101 Member
    hey there Welcome
    everyone is helpful you'll love it here
    I wasn't a WW looser
    but love it here
  • jjrichard
    jjrichard Posts: 22
    You'll find that you will get plenty of support here, people all have the same goals like you. Feel free to add me as extra support :)
  • AmberLiscous
    AmberLiscous Posts: 644 Member
    tons of support here and it's free :smile: friend request being sent
  • Surfingtrucker
    I'm enjoying this site already - although I use the mobile app more than the site itself. I hope it works - I'm really tired of "settling" for whatever clothes I can find in my size, instead of being able to have a real selection. Plus, my kids keep asking me to do something about my weight, because they want me around when they're old enough to get married.
  • etropsis
    etropsis Posts: 4
    I love it too!!
    been here for 10 days. my first week, i lost 4 pounds!!
  • xcharysma
    xcharysma Posts: 35 Member
    Indeed, I love this site. I was a WW member but I find the layout and mobile app of this site better suits my needs. :flowerforyou:
  • catmacblues
    This is my first time too..hoping to finally get the extra "baby weight" off...big joke that's not so funny...baby is 6!
  • SunriseMountain
    My friend told me to sign up so we can keep each other motivated and hold us accountable for our food logs etc. Loving this tool already!
  • AMaemone
    AMaemone Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks everyone for your support.... Looking forward to losing the weight!!! I am down 24 pounds on weight watchers but I am stuck...... I know the reason is I haven't been exercising as I should, a little more picking at night, and a little bit too much wine on the weekends!!! Will try to get back on the right track to my goal, which is another 24 pounds.....

    thanks again,
