Chest pain..

I am a very paranoid person..let me start off with that lol. I have noticed since I've started eating better and excersising, that the left side of my chest hurts sometimes. It's not a throbbing pain or sharp pain..its a dull achey pain. It comes and goes not everyday. Its closer to the side like..hard to explain. Maybe I pull something when I work out because I've noticed for a while that sometimes when I do the elipitcal and I hold on to the arm thing that the moving starts to make that area hurt. Maybe it's gas..I dunno. It kinda makes me arm like...heavy maybe? I dont really know how to explain it and like I said I'm paranoid so I'm starting to freak out and I'm prob imagining things now.
I went on MD and of course that thing said to seek medical attention reaaal comforting.
I was just wondering if anyone else has ever experienced something like this. I have a doctors appointment in a couple weeks so I was going to mention it then but now I'm thinking the worst and wondering if I should go like leave work and go. ughhh I don't know. I think if it was something serious it wouldnt come and go and it would get worst.

What are some opionions?


  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    Oh and I was planning on going to the gym right from work but now I'm scared to go by myself in case I have a heart attack or something.
  • dcaswell10
    dcaswell10 Posts: 37 Member
    I had the same thing and it hurt the worst when it was cold outside. I went to the Dr. and found out I have pluracy. It was just an inflammation of the chest wall that hurts when I was breathing in cold air. On that note though you should definitely see a Doctor as soon as possible.
  • dino1147
    dino1147 Posts: 178 Member
    Heart disease and heart attacks affect more women than men, heart disease is the number one killer among women. I don't wan't to scare you, but pls go to the doc now, wouldn't you rather be told it's heartburn or a sore muscle and have peace of mind? I'm not sure why people hesitate when it comes to their health. Go, ask questions, get answers, feel better and be happy! Your body is the only one you get!
  • CricketClover
    CricketClover Posts: 388 Member
    First of all, I am a paranoid person to so I think you should see a doctor if not for anything else then to put your mind at ease. I was experiencing a pain near my chest to but mine was almost front and center but a little bit over my left boob area. I asked my Dr. about it and she said it was probably just a muscle spasm and not to worry about it unless it was a constant pain which it wasn't so since yours isn't constant I wouldn't worry about it too much.
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Yes, GO to the doctor. I have no wish to alarm you unduly, but the symptoms of heart disease in women are very different from those "classic" heart symptoms that men get, ie. stabbing sharp pains in the chest, etc. A feeling of heaviness in the chest and arm CAN BE symptoms for women. I know because that's what I had and I was just diagnosed with heart disease a month ago, at age 43.

    Your symptoms may have absolutely nothing to do with your heart, but wouldn't it be better to go and find out ASAP and get on with your life, leaving fear behind? Just go and deal with it. I did and I am so glad because it gave me a chance to be a better, healthier me. Now.
  • Maztastic
    Maztastic Posts: 43
    I'm not a doctor and I've not experienced anything like this myself. For this reason I wouldn't like to suggest what might be causing your pain. I do agree that consulting a doctor would be the best course of action. You can't beat professional advice. :)
  • freerange
    freerange Posts: 1,722 Member
    Go to the doc, it doesn't sond like anything to worry about, BUT have it checked out. I got that way after a friend of mine dropped dead from a heart attack, and whent a had a heart scan to make sure everything was ok. And it was, I'm sure you will be too, but it's a load off having it checked.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    What are they going to do to see whats up? am i gonna have to go to the hospital and get like an xray or something or will they just listen and take blood?
  • knittnponder
    knittnponder Posts: 1,954 Member
    They'll probably run several tests, EKG being one of the first. When my daughter passed out for no apparent reason (she's 16) they ran all kinds of tests to rule out all possible issues. They believe her issue was just a compressed vagus nerve that was a fluke occurrence (many people will have this issue at least once in their lifetime) but they wanted to be sure.

    She had blood work, an EKG, doc listened to her heart and lungs and when one of the blood tests came back a little weird they did a CT scan to make sure that was clear. She was pretty dehydrated at the time too so that didn't help matters. It can be scary but it's worth the peace of mind to get checked out. Just make sure you take a book or some knitting or something as you'll probably be there a little while.