Should I be taking a MultiVitamin?

My husband and I have been doing a pretty steady routine of dieting and exercising for the last 2 weeks. I had my son February of 2010 and had gained 60lbs during pregnancy, I have lost 43 of that but still wanting to lose the rest. For the past few days I have been intensely sore to where I didnt have the the desire to get up at 4:45am to head to the gym. I do not want to lose my determination in my quest to lose this weight. We are both doing so well. I am doing a 1200 calorie a day diet and tend not to eat my exercise calories eeks. I beginning to wonder if this is why I am so tired and sore and mainly the question being should I start to take a multivitamin to ensure I am receiving adequate vitamins and minerals.

So the questions is: Do you recommend a daily multivitamin and if so which brand?

Thanks so much and good luck to all!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou:


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    I do, but that is because much of the food we eat spends a great deal of time traveling in trucks and sitting on shelves under fluorescent lights that is loses a bunch of nutrients.

    My question to you is how long have you been working out? If you are fairly new to it you muscle pain is due to perhaps overdoing it and over training. The same thing can happen when you make changes in your workout, even if you are fairly fit. This is especially true if you do resistance training of any type. Your muscles need to heal between workouts, and that usually takes more than 24 hours. Even elite athletes will work out alternating days with a light recovery workout on the day between to help their muscles recover.
  • katiemeridien

    Absolutely. I buy mine from the Earthbar in West Hollywood, CA. You can order them online, they are organic and I swear since I started taking one a day... I NEVER need to go to the doctor. Every friend of mine here on Long Island has gotten sick, really really sick and I *knock on wood* haven't needed a doctors visit in such a long time.

    Please, check out the Vita-K multi from them... I take it with one meal a day and its loaded with B vitamins which help you feel happy and energized as well.

    I strongly suggest them.