May I just say.. I HATE grocery shopping... Just a vent.



  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I have food shopped online when I'm absolutely desperate for time, but I love chosing my own cuts of meat, love picking my own fruit & vegetables to judge for quality, ripeness etc.
  • skinnyme125
    skinnyme125 Posts: 396 Member
    I go shopping when my son is in his Karate lessons which last one hour. This way I don't have time to wonder into isles just to brows. I get in and get what I need and get out. I also shop the outside perimater of the store AVOIDING the doughnuts like they are the devil. I love doughnuts and could eat them everyday so I really only hate going shopping when they have made a fresh batch and you can smell them all over the store. I do lots of reading of lables and I love the exercise i get walking around the store. It is my ME time for a little bit of quiet. I shop at the grocery store in town that has the least amount of people shop at it just because it isnt the most conveniant location. But still very clean and has lots of good food. I also love to find bargins on stuff we arleady eat. Use cupons also. And because the store I shop at doesnt seem to be real busy they always have food that is going out of shelf date and so I get them at reduced prices since it is almost always food that you would want to eat in a matter of just a couple of days anyway. Such as salad in a bag. I feel like I have made it an art form.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member
    I have found that since I am buying for a family.....I find myself buying more treat stuff and junk food for the family.......I don't know's like "well I can't have it but I bet my husband and kids would like it".......I never eat it myself....and then I am pissed because I am not doing my family in favors by buying it either.........

    so, I feel ya about the shopping........

    Funny, I did the same thing last week. My son is away at college, but he came home to visit for the weekend. The day he was leaving, I went to the grocery store and bought all his favorite (and mine) snacks to send back with him: terrible stuff like Cheez-its and Reese's and Mac & Cheese. Of course, I told myself I was just getting these treats for him, but really, I think I was getting them so I could enjoy them vicariously. Later, of course, I felt guilty for only sending him back with junk food!

    Anyway, I kind of love grocery shopping too much. I love to cook, so I enjoy buying food. But boy do I miss baking. I used to bake cookies, cakes, muffins, etc. a few times a week, and I haven't done any baking since I started MFP.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member

    Anyway, I kind of love grocery shopping too much. I love to cook, so I enjoy buying food. But boy do I miss baking. I used to bake cookies, cakes, muffins, etc. a few times a week, and I haven't done any baking since I started MFP.

    I love baking, too. One thing I do is make a batch of (for example) chocolate chip cookie dough, portion it into individual cookie portions, freeze them on a tray, and then put them in a labeled freezer bag. Then I can make just 1-2 cookies per person at a time. Or just one ice cream sandwich with fresh baked cookies at a time :smile: But we don't have them every day, nor do we have large batches of home baked goods just waiting in the kitchen for me to get bored or stressed out.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    Wow - I feel entirely the opposite! I love to grocery shop and one of the most rewarding parts of the trip is knowing that I can go in, buy healthy stuff, and walk by the aisles of processed junk food without even feeling tempted. Maybe it'll just take time, but eventually you won't even think about checking them. I get way more excited about sales on fruits/veg or lean meats these days... "Oooooo 3 pints of blueberries for $5! Score!" hahaha
  • amilynnM
    amilynnM Posts: 64 Member
    Grocery shopping isn't too bad (aside from the bakery which I try to get out of as fast as possible), but I hate running errands at the mall and walking past all of the snack foods that I love - Cinnabon, lattes, pretzels, popcorn, etc... all looks and smells delicious and will be packed with calories to push me off track. Walking through the mall can be torture if I'm hungry.
  • miovlb6
    miovlb6 Posts: 339 Member

    Anyway, I kind of love grocery shopping too much. I love to cook, so I enjoy buying food. But boy do I miss baking. I used to bake cookies, cakes, muffins, etc. a few times a week, and I haven't done any baking since I started MFP.

    I love baking, too. One thing I do is make a batch of (for example) chocolate chip cookie dough, portion it into individual cookie portions, freeze them on a tray, and then put them in a labeled freezer bag. Then I can make just 1-2 cookies per person at a time. Or just one ice cream sandwich with fresh baked cookies at a time :smile: But we don't have them every day, nor do we have large batches of home baked goods just waiting in the kitchen for me to get bored or stressed out.

    That's a great idea! Especially the ice cream sandwiches bit :bigsmile: ! Thanks!
  • ilvpsu
    ilvpsu Posts: 25 Member
    Kevanos...I do a lot of label reading too.... I tend to look at calories/calories from fat sections on the nutrition label. It is shocking, and I put some of that stuff back if it is nutritionally bereft. It's amazing how much fat is out there.
  • edryer123
    edryer123 Posts: 502 Member

    Anyway, I kind of love grocery shopping too much. I love to cook, so I enjoy buying food. But boy do I miss baking. I used to bake cookies, cakes, muffins, etc. a few times a week, and I haven't done any baking since I started MFP.

    I love baking, too. One thing I do is make a batch of (for example) chocolate chip cookie dough, portion it into individual cookie portions, freeze them on a tray, and then put them in a labeled freezer bag. Then I can make just 1-2 cookies per person at a time. Or just one ice cream sandwich with fresh baked cookies at a time :smile: But we don't have them every day, nor do we have large batches of home baked goods just waiting in the kitchen for me to get bored or stressed out.

    I love that idea! I should have thought of that when I did my oatmeal raisin cookies!

    As for the grocery shopping, I always keep gum in my purse so that if I am even the slightest bit hungry, I pop it into my mouth so there is no torture.
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member

    Anyway, I kind of love grocery shopping too much. I love to cook, so I enjoy buying food. But boy do I miss baking. I used to bake cookies, cakes, muffins, etc. a few times a week, and I haven't done any baking since I started MFP.

    I love baking, too. One thing I do is make a batch of (for example) chocolate chip cookie dough, portion it into individual cookie portions, freeze them on a tray, and then put them in a labeled freezer bag. Then I can make just 1-2 cookies per person at a time. Or just one ice cream sandwich with fresh baked cookies at a time :smile: But we don't have them every day, nor do we have large batches of home baked goods just waiting in the kitchen for me to get bored or stressed out.

    That's a great idea! Especially the ice cream sandwiches bit :bigsmile: ! Thanks!

    Oh my word, it is absolutely AMAZING how popular I am and how much I am loved when I put 1/4 cup of ice cream in between two freshly-cooled chocolate chip cookies and stick them back in the freezer for about 20 minutes. Next time you want to win Mommy of the Year with your crew...
  • leomentlines
    leomentlines Posts: 440 Member
    I used to hate grocery shopping so much, but now I'm gradually getting used to it. My hardest thing would be not to buy a bag of chips, and probably ben & jerry's, but I've gotten much better at it. I'm a huge cheese fiend though, and one of the best things I've stumbled upon was fat free cheddar - my saviour!
  • kevanos
    kevanos Posts: 304 Member
    Kevanos...I do a lot of label reading too.... I tend to look at calories/calories from fat sections on the nutrition label. It is shocking, and I put some of that stuff back if it is nutritionally bereft. It's amazing how much fat is out there.

    I know. Some things out there should just be illegal.

    like the hungry man breakfast with over 1000 calories and 2000mg of sodium:
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