I really need some support

Hi everyone...

I fell off of the wagon a few weeks ago when I was really sick, and I'm having a terrible time getting back on it. I have some good days and then a few bad days, or my days are just so-so. I lost six pounds in three weeks when I was going really strong, but now I'm having a really difficult time eating healthy. Even when I look at something and know I shouldn't be eating it, I tell myself I'll make up for it later, and then I never do. I know how unhealthy this mindset is, and I'm really trying to get through it so I can get back to how well I was doing before. I've got my exercise down well; I go to the gym every day that I am able. Now I just need to force myself to get back to eating the way that I should be.

Any words of wisdom or advice from some MFP family members who have fallen off the wagon during their journeys to a healthier lifestyle? I appreciate your support. :)


  • mollymoo89
    mollymoo89 Posts: 202
    I'm in the same boat! I'll be good for a week or so and then have these bad days. I have the same mindset that I can eat unhealthy since I know I'm going to do a long run later. I need to get out of that mindset though because one its not healthy and two its not working! I'll send a freind request!
  • MDnns
    MDnns Posts: 18
    It's a journey. Not a destination. I believe a healthier lifestyle is something you are constantly striving for. There will be good times and bad. Sometimes you'll make the best decisions and sometimes you won't. What matters is you're always striving to achieve good health.
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    I had the same issue when I went on vacation the beginning of February, but only gave myself one day to relax when I got back. Then I was back on the horse. It is definitely hard to do, but sometimes you just have to put mind over matter and do it. I've struggled for a over a year with this weight, but something is different for me this time. I've found that this site has helped me the most. There is so much support and you can almost always find a forum to answer a question or just make you feel better. I've been very good for the past 2 weeks, but the scale hasnt budged and that is really getting on my nerves!!! BUT, I just put on a pair of pants the other day that I havent been able to wear in over 8 months that were almost too big! So the moral is, find little victories to keep yourself going. Set a small goal and just dig deep down and find a way to get there. Remember... mind over matter!!! Add me as a friend if you like!
  • MHarris2008
    everyone falls off at times life has ups and downs but the most important is how u bounce back, take it very slow and get back into ur groove dont kill urself getting back on track, remember its supposed to be fun loosing weight not stressfull..... take every meal one at a time! remember summer is coming so think of the beach and what u wanna feel like in the water and laying out! just relax and dont beat urself up!
  • rgfor40
    rgfor40 Posts: 79 Member
    you have to focus on changing the mindset that beacuse you "fell off the wagon" you've failed. you have to disassociate the two.
    come to terms that you didn't do your best, and you're not goiong to punish yourself for it.
    Tell yourself "okay i enjoyed eating that whatever but i'm over it and now I chose to make better desisions and i can do it"
    if you're like me and focus on the "failure" it will consume you more that the success will.

    In a nutshell... shake it off, clear your mind and try again.

    i hope you do
  • UmbraForzare
    Honey, first of all don't be hard on yourself - this happens to everyone, especially during or just after being unwell.

    MDnns is right - it's a journey and sometimes on a journey you take the scenic route.
    So now, all you gotta do is figure out the best path to take to find your way back on track.

    Just remember that you're strong and focused and no matter what - you CAN do this.

  • jenfaye
    jenfaye Posts: 14 Member
    Mee too. It sucks! :cry: Just keep going. I think I'm going to put a picture of myself when i was thin on my phone so when I look at it, it'll remind me not to eat junk food since I look at my phone all the time.

    Good Luck!!!
  • jenniix
    jenniix Posts: 15
    It is tough, but you just got to know to never give up! And remember that no one is perfect when it comes to this, everyone has their bad days... You just really got to work harder and get back on track the next day. :) You can do it and there are a lot of supportive people here that will push you to do your best! I wish you luck and we all believe in you! :D
    Hello I just started and I need all the help and support I can get,any tips that can help me through the day the night. I'm so ready to get this weight off of me and I truly need a partner,but im not a person thats give up easily,so an advice please let me know!!!
  • calmmomw3minimeez
    calmmomw3minimeez Posts: 499 Member
    Like the other posts said, don't think of it as a failure. We were meant to enjoy what we do and eating is a natural part of life. Always remember that there will be a new day to start over, but if you keep your mind focused on what you want in the future, it will help...and don't ever think that you're the only one...I have some 'WHOA' days on my diary. My encouraging words come from Rudolph the rednosed reindeer's girlfriend Clairese....THERE'S ALWAYS TOMORROW!!.......:wink::wink:
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    I've found motivation in the support from my fitness pals. One posted that she passed up a Girl Scout cookie, and it later motivated me to pass up a whoopie pie. I joined last May to support a friend and really got into it. I lost 8 pounds in the first 4 weeks so I took a week off of My Fitness Pal because I thought I learned enough to do it on my own, but I gained back 4 pounds in that week. So I got back on, surpassed my goal and have stayed on to maintain. It's feeling harder now, but I'm holding ground and finding support through networking. I've made my food diary public to my fitness pals and knowing that they are reading it and some are making comments on it, it holds me accountable for what I consume and helps me to scale back. I still eat whatever I want, but I don't eat everything I want.
  • jrm29
    jrm29 Posts: 39
    You are gorgeous, amazing, and so inspiring!! No weeks off on the Fitness Challenge! Let's get back on the wagon together and star away this week!