Carbonated Water... does it count?

So I've been trying to drink more water but it's really hard for me so I've been trying to ger creative. And I've been wondering if carbonated water "counts" as water or does the carbonation just dehydrate you? Perhaps I should switch to Crystal Light or such instead?



  • HelenTheKitchen
    Carbonated water is fine, and counts as water intake, but try not to over-do it. Too much extra carbon dioxide can be rough on your kidneys.
  • BryanAir
    BryanAir Posts: 434
    Carbonated water can be counted as plain water. It doesn't have a dehydrating effect.
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I've always viewed flavored carbonated water as glorified diet soda. Since I don't count diet soda in my water intake, I wouldn't count carbonated soda. Just my opinion :)