

  • avninjalette123
    avninjalette123 Posts: 129 Member
    Okay I too wanted to weigh myself every time I saw the scale. It's becomes a bad thing and make you un-motivated seeing even half a pound more than the last time. I wrote on my bathroom mirror with a window marker saying...."WEIGH ONLY ON WEDNESDAYS!" It's helped me to keep me to one day only...and it gives me extra motivation and something to look forward to.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Haven't read any of the response. This is from my own experience.

    Our weight fluctuates 3-5 pounds throughout the day, mostly due to water retention.

    I weigh everyday after I pee, before I hop into the shower for work (I got past the number obsession a while back because of seeing the pattern).

    My weight goes up a bit on the weekend. I slack a little on calorie counting (and sugar and sodium); I work hard at it during the week so I like to relax a bit on weekends. (Have a high sodium dinner and you will see an "up" on the scale the very next morning - salt is the biggest culprit of fluctuations). So on Monday morning I might be up a couple of pounds. I don't sweat it because I know it will change. I am usually back to normal by Wednesday and sometimes will see a loss on Thursday or Friday.

    My Time of Month: I gain 2-3 pounds overnight! And it goes back down very, very slowly.

    The more you weigh yourself the more fluctuations you will see. That's why I stopped worrying about the number. I focus on how I feel and how my clothes fit. Taking measurements are much better to do. I fit into pants that were tight when I was lighter than I am now (thanks to strength training and cardio!)