I'm Already Cheating

EvilMomma Posts: 70 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I've just started--not even 2 weeks this time--and here I just found myself doing the usual thing: I deserve to eat this; its not that many calories; I can add some sour cream because I like it; I can have that bread too... Yep; almost 1100 calories on a 1400 calorie daily diet plan for the last meal. Entitlement whispers in my ear and I listen every time! Damn!

Okay; rant over. Forgiveness beginning. I've seen the problem, I'm acknowldeging it publicly, and learning begins. I don't need to be mean to myself, I don't need to punish myself,but I do need to hold myself accountable for the choice of listening to the sweet whispers.

Starting over right now. A big glass of ice water and taking my daughter to her self defense class.


  • bhb301
    bhb301 Posts: 338 Member
    One thing I started doing is logging it in first the evaulating if its worth it. I think do I want to eat this for 250 cals or can I have an apple, peach and a string cheese. This is what helped me, try it.
  • CarterGrt
    CarterGrt Posts: 289 Member
    One of the things that I have really liked about the MFP format is that every day is a new chance to make better decisions. It isn't about perfection, it is about improvement. Don't beat yourself up. You made choices today and you can make different choices tomorrow. I heard some time ago that it takes 45 days to create new habbit. As such, you have to forgive yourself a bit for having challenges breaking old ones.

    Good Luck!!! I think the journey is hardest for the first few steps...

  • LaDiablesse
    LaDiablesse Posts: 862 Member
    I do the same thing sometimes and log the food before I eat it. No need to beat yourself over it. We're all human & have those little voices in our heads. You've acknowledged it and are moving in the right direction. You can do it!
  • JennsLosing
    JennsLosing Posts: 1,026
    i log on in the morning...or even the night before and plan out what the heck im going to eat for the day. helps me out some.
  • tammyquinnlmt
    tammyquinnlmt Posts: 680 Member
    I plan ahead, and if I fail....just start all over again tomorrow. Its a new day with a clean slate! Actually, I start again the next meal. don't let one bad meal ruin your entire day...even if you are over calories...just make better choices and keep it honest in your diary. Change is HARD!
  • doesgo
    doesgo Posts: 15 Member
    Just keep trying! We all have weak times, and I seem to have them about once per week when I just don't care and eat too much. Just try to move past it, retroactively recognize the signs so you can see it coming next time, get some exercise, and move on. I've lost nearly 50 pounds and I still can often barely make it a week without having a bad-attitude session and some binging. You'll get through it and succeed if you just keep trying.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    :-) You're awesome!
  • One thing I started doing is logging it in first the evaulating if its worth it. I think do I want to eat this for 250 cals or can I have an apple, peach and a string cheese. This is what helped me, try it.

    Thats what I did at first too! Now I have pretty much everything down pat, but I wouldn't stick anything in my mouth until it was written down : )
  • funauntsherry
    funauntsherry Posts: 41 Member
    start new tomorrow! I've been doing MFP for 40ish days and sometimes I do really well and other times not so much.

    In the past 2 days I've been a bit close to my going over, my saving grace is that I decided to share those yummy calories with someone else, so they get half of the penalty too :)

  • amelia4153
    amelia4153 Posts: 27 Member
    This probably sounds really weird, but I usually say to myself "That is not the last tub of sour cream in this world! I can have sour cream ANY time I want, so I don't have to have it right now!!"... It's a mental thing with me! lol
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    Oh my - I was doing the EXACT same thing! I've been good, I deserve this, why can't I have it if I like it? Life is to be enjoyed, right? I did kinda the same thing when I quit smoking, and I've never regretted sticking with that! The ONLY thing that works for me right now is to allow the exact same thoughts, which after all, are positive thoughts of loving myself and being kind to myself, but I HAVE to limit the amount. So if I want sour cream because I like the taste, I will have it, but I will measure it out on a measuring spoon and accept how many calories it will cost me to enjoy this thing. Then I eat it and I really really really savor it!
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    Take a deep breath, relax and remember that this is a learning process. You just need to tough it out thorugh the first few weeks and without realizing it you'll start to make healthier choices automatically. Try not to be too hard on yourself, it takes practice to get used to this. You're going to be awesome at this!
  • manymuses
    manymuses Posts: 162 Member
    Just keep going. Keep logging. And DO give yourself a little something every once in a while, just not every day, every meal. It gets better and better as you learn about yourself through the experience. I had a rocky start too, but every day is a new chance to make better choices, to fuel your body with healthy foods instead of junk. Just keep going and know that you will find support and encouragement here from people going through the same exact things as you.
  • royam01
    royam01 Posts: 123
    This probably sounds really weird, but I usually say to myself "That is not the last tub of sour cream in this world! I can have sour cream ANY time I want, so I don't have to have it right now!!"... It's a mental thing with me! lol

    This has really helped me too! I am always tempted to eat a lot but when it comes down to it, yes its good but I could always have it later if I really want it :)
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    One thing I started doing is logging it in first the evaulating if its worth it. I think do I want to eat this for 250 cals or can I have an apple, peach and a string cheese. This is what helped me, try it.

    i do that too! i log it & then look at my daily nutritional values & think about if i'll be working out that day & if it is really worth it or if i should opt for something else. :o)
  • ThatDollSally
    ThatDollSally Posts: 473 Member
    This probably sounds really weird, but I usually say to myself "That is not the last tub of sour cream in this world! I can have sour cream ANY time I want, so I don't have to have it right now!!"... It's a mental thing with me! lol

    That's brilliant. I'm SO going to use that!
  • FoamyRiver
    FoamyRiver Posts: 276 Member
    I found myself doing the same thing when I first started. But now I rationalize with myself if I really want to use up those calories or fat grams, or sodium, or whatever on something. I still treat myself and I still have cheat days or meals. But remember this is a lifestyle change. You know you aren't going to deprive yourself of something for the rest of your life so having something you really want in moderation is perfectly fine.
  • Martha_VH
    Martha_VH Posts: 386 Member
    Today I went over. I sometimes really struggle if I make one bad move in a day, then it makes it harder for me to make the next good choice. The thing is, I had too much today. I feel overstuffed because my body has gotten used to eating a few less calories.

    But there is alway tomorrow. And tomorrow you will hold yourself accountable! I tell myself to think of what I have already lost. And those pounds are NOT something I want back.

    Good luck, we are all here with you!
  • Lisa_42
    Lisa_42 Posts: 4
    Congratulations on starting your journey! So, progress is not measured as 100%. You already made progress by giving some thought into your eating. This is an ongoing process, learning, making good choices. I always try to think of how long it would take me to run something off on the treadmill. Or I picture the item in my back pocket (like it would get attached to my body as is) Trying to figure out if you are really hungry is important too. Meaning if you are looking for something to munch on try to figure out if your tummy is growling or you are just bored. You could make yourself work for it too, if you drink all of your water that day you can have it. You could also choose to not buy bad treats or do the unthinkable and throw it away. Being honest with yourself about your eating is the begining of the battle. Good luck to you!
  • rharris86dc
    rharris86dc Posts: 635 Member
    It sucks to break old habits, and it especially sucks to attempt to replace them with better ones. But, like you have already acknowledged, admitting it to yourself, and getting right back on track is all you can do to remedy the problem. Like many others on here, I get discouraged if I go over calories, or log something that I know is super unhealthy, but sooooo delicous. Realizing that it is ok to indulge (in moderation) is helping me overcome the challenge of completely rehauling my life, including how I view food and exercise.

    So I just want to congratulate you for doing the brave thing and posting your "cheat" on here, and moving on. Big step, and I know you can make it!
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