what about carbs?

on my diet profile it gives me so many carbs a day that i should eat. if I eat less carbs will I lose weight faster? I usually eat 1 slice of whole grain bread a day, and a south beach diet lunch (usually the ones with the whole wheat flour tortillas) so I get about 2-3 concentrated carb foods a day. and i eat strawberries. any info on carbs would be great! thanks!


  • sunshine92
    sunshine92 Posts: 228 Member
    on my diet profile it gives me so many carbs a day that i should eat. if I eat less carbs will I lose weight faster? I usually eat 1 slice of whole grain bread a day, and a south beach diet lunch (usually the ones with the whole wheat flour tortillas) so I get about 2-3 concentrated carb foods a day. and i eat strawberries. any info on carbs would be great! thanks!
  • familybugs
    familybugs Posts: 129 Member
    I don't count carbs. I only eat them in the morning and lunch. I have 4 egg whites, a slice of whole grain toast, and grapefruit for breakfast. or I have my egg whites and 1 serving of oatmeal and eat my fruit at lunch time instead of breakfast.

    You need carbs for brain function!!! if your exercising a lot you NEED carbs!! But I wouldn't eat oatmeal and toast in the morning.. just one or the other., i wouldn't eat bread and pasta(eventhough its so good) at the same meal.

    Just remember to eat good carbs! Fruit, whole grains, veggies!! If you have rice have brown rice and eat at the very most 1 cup cooked.. and only 1/2 cup of whole grain cooked pasta.... I do this because I'm trying to lose weight. I am exercising a lot and I find myself eating more carbs and since i'm burning so much my body is maintaining... so instead of eating a ton of carbs, my trainer told me to have protein shakes 3 times a day for my calories... but this is me.... i have 30 + pounds that i want to lose....
    just eat healthy and make good choices.
  • dothompson
    dothompson Posts: 1,184 Member
    I think that if you're counting calories, it doesn't make much sense to count carbs too. You do want to have most of your carbs be complex carbs rather than processed food. I changed my profile to show fiber instead. It helps keeps the overly processed food in check.