
ser0630 Posts: 223
I was wondering if anybody else here gets a massage on a regular basis. I scheduled an appointment for one tomorrow night. I know massages help relieve stress and loosen up muscles that are tight.

I'm asking because the last massage I had was over two years ago.


  • chrish1981
    chrish1981 Posts: 156
    If I could afford it, I'd get one every DAY. Maybe twice a day.....

    But: they're rather pricey, so I usually get one-two a year. Last one was on honeymoon in August.
  • TammyK777
    TammyK777 Posts: 230 Member
    I get one every 4 weeks! Love it!
  • tigertchr23
    tigertchr23 Posts: 418 Member
    It is a great way to detox your body. When your body loses fat, toxins that were trapped in the fat get released into the body. Gross, I know! But true! I try to get a massage or accupressure/reflexology at least once per month. I wish I could afford to go more often.

    Enjoy! :flowerforyou:
  • ltowne
    ltowne Posts: 129 Member
    Yes, they are wonderful. My company offers them on-site at the workplace and we can have a session (one hour) every four weeks (free for employees...yes, I know....amazing benefit!) We have a lady who does deep tissue massage and they are the best for working out problem areas. They can sometimes hurt (rather than the relaxing type), but are very beneficial for injury or stress prone areas.
  • fitmom4ever
    fitmom4ever Posts: 130
    I used to get a weekly massage when I was in school two years ago. Students could receive free massages from the massage therapy students. I loved it!!! I wish I could go back to school just for that. Even though it should have been a super stressful time in my life, (trying to balance being a new mom, going back to school, and planning a wedding in a few months) I can't remember being more relaxed and carefree. I remember the instructor always told us to drink plenty of water afterwards because the water combined with the massage helped cleanse the body of bad toxins. I think it is a great practice to have regular massages, and if I could afford it, would definately go back to having them weekly.
  • stacy7533
    stacy7533 Posts: 11 Member
    Check your medical insurance for an alternative medicine benefit. My old insurance paid 50% of massages given by a licensed massage therapist up to $750 a year. Wish I had taken advantage of that when I had it. You could also check and see if there's a local massage therapy school near you. The students have to have so many hours to graduate and the fees are usually pretty cheap. The tradeoff is the student might not be the best yet.
  • TracieJ65
    TracieJ65 Posts: 645 Member
    As of the first of the year I have been getting them weekly, yes! Let me tell you that I notice quite a difference when I ge them. I feel so much better, I feel my workouts are better, and it improves my attitude even more! My massage therapist has taught me a lot about the benefits of massage and releasing toxins from your body! Enjoy yourself!
  • I work as a massage therapist in Kansas city area. It is a great way to relieve stress but it gives you that time to relax and regain some peice of mind
  • I've been getting massages from the massage school nearby at least once a month and it's been great. I go for deep tissue when my neck/shoulders hurt and even though it may hurt while doing it, the next day I'm great! Go get your massage and find a cheap place to go to so you go often! Enjoy..........
  • suzieqdiva
    suzieqdiva Posts: 183 Member
    Massage is an amazingly way to release stress, iron out pressure points & very therapeutic. But oh so expensive to do regularly.

    Last week on my rest day from exercise.. I decided to pamper myself at home with a bath. I put some "Epsom Salt" (Under $3 at your local pharmacy), added bath oil, fragranced bath salts & a bath wash & filled up the tub & soaked for a few mins!! Wow.. it felt like someone had given me an amazing massage. Since Epsom salt tends to pull out all your aches.. it is very soothing. The plan no is to treat myself on my off days, if I have the time, a nice soak in the tub:-).
  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    I have a bad back and get a massage every 2 weeks to work out my muscle kinks. I get them at my chiropractor's office - so I only have to pay for my copay for an hour massage.- It's nice!:happy:
  • ser0630
    ser0630 Posts: 223
    Thanks! I will definitely look into the massage schools near my house.

    I'm also going to try the Epsom Salt bath too.

    And yes...I will definitely enjoy! :happy:
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