OnDemand Fitness Challenge

I see a lot of different challenges posted on here, and always wanted to participate, but don't have the funds to constantly purchase the ever-changing list of dvd's...
When I want a change in pace, I usually flip through my OnDemand and see what they have to offer on ExcerciseTV... and in the middle of my cursing fest with Jillian, I had an idea...

Here's how it will work -
Every Sunday we will post which "show" we will be doing for the following week - Everyone will be doing the same one (starting Mondays)
You can excercise any time of the day, however you should do it once a day
Each week we will change it (so it doesn't get boring)
If you have a show you really enjoy doing & want to share, we'd LOVE to take requests!!
Hopefully everyone will be able to see the same shows and work out "together"

Our first challenge starts Monday, March 7th.
OnDemand Channel - Excercise TV
Category - Walking
Program - Start Walking 1Mile by Leslie Sansone
Length of Time - 23 Minutes
Instructor - Leslie Sansone

Let us know if you have any questions, comments, concerns or just can't WAIT to get started!!!!
Happy walking!!!


  • girlofsun26
    girlofsun26 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in!!!!!!
  • sng925
    sng925 Posts: 4
    I am so in!! I have been doing work outs from comcast on demand for a few weeks now! This will help keep me motivated!~
  • Senta7
    Senta7 Posts: 8
    Sounds good! I'm in : ).
  • rachyrach1234
    Im In Too!
  • rachyrach1234
    Add Me And Lets Do This Together People!!!!!!!!!!!
  • sng925
    sng925 Posts: 4
    there are some good work outs on there! I have done the mile walk its a good workout!
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    I am so in!! I have been doing work outs from comcast on demand for a few weeks now! This will help keep me motivated!~

    Thanks for joining!!! We're excited!! Can't wait to get started.. The more the merrier!!
    A few of us will be starting one tomorrow, and if interested, we'll post it (just in case you wanna join!)
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    Sounds good! I'm in : ).

    YEAAAA!! Welcome! So happy to see some interest!
    I think this is gonna be one of the funnest "challenges" YET!! Thanks for being a part of it!
  • tanniew78
    tanniew78 Posts: 602 Member
    Im in! And I didnt even know that the ExerciseTV came on demand! Saves me some money subscribing! THANKS for sharing
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    Im in! And I didnt even know that the ExerciseTV came on demand! Saves me some money subscribing! THANKS for sharing

    HAHA!! Me either.. I'm sure I've seen it before, just never really cared to pay attention :)
    It's chock full of different types of workouts.. This is gonna be a blast!
  • sng925
    sng925 Posts: 4
    I am so in!! I have been doing work outs from comcast on demand for a few weeks now! This will help keep me motivated!~

    Thanks for joining!!! We're excited!! Can't wait to get started.. The more the merrier!!
    A few of us will be starting one tomorrow, and if interested, we'll post it (just in case you wanna join!)

    ya!!! I will join..go ahead and post it!! I am always searching back and forth on there wondering what I should pick to do ... I always do a different one every day... . doing the same one might be a better idea though :)
  • katherines2230
    katherines2230 Posts: 276 Member
    I'm in!!! I'm still a little injured from one of the workouts I did last week on On demand but I'm up for it!
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I LOVE OnDemand workouts! The only problem is that they keep taking off the workouts that I like (Jackie Warner, Yoga Fitness Fusion, womp womp). I passed this on to my mom, she needs some motivation to keep moving...I think this might help! Thanks!
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    I'm in!!! I'm still a little injured from one of the workouts I did last week on On demand but I'm up for it!
    Thanks for joining...injury and all :)
    From what I hear, our first work out should be pretty simple :) Just take care of yourself while having fun!!
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    I LOVE OnDemand workouts! The only problem is that they keep taking off the workouts that I like (Jackie Warner, Yoga Fitness Fusion, womp womp). I passed this on to my mom, she needs some motivation to keep moving...I think this might help! Thanks!

    YEAA!!! Mom is gonna have so much fun! Thanks for joining (and passing the infor right along!)
  • rachivie
    rachivie Posts: 11
    ahh shoot I don't have cable anymore and we use to have direct tv too :( but great idea get it girls !!!!
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    ahh shoot I don't have cable anymore and we use to have direct tv too :( but great idea get it girls !!!!
    Thats ok Rach!
    Hey, you might be able to find them on youtube or something?! :)
  • sng925
    sng925 Posts: 4
    a really good cardio workout on demand fitness is in the cardio section its called LessMoreCardio and it's with cindy whitmarsh .. It is a challenge !! It is 30 minutes long but man it is such a good workout!!! I was dyeing towards the end !!
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    a really good cardio workout on demand fitness is in the cardio section its called LessMoreCardio and it's with cindy whitmarsh .. It is a challenge !! It is 30 minutes long but man it is such a good workout!!! I was dyeing towards the end !!

    SWEET!! We'll do that for week 2!! Thanks for the tip :)
  • szieres
    szieres Posts: 97 Member
    Happy Saturday Morning! Hope everyone is ready!! Only 2 more days until our first challange begins!!
    Enjoy your weekends everyone :)