Depressed :-(

Hi all
I found out yesterday that my husband is going away for a month, for work reasons. A month! We only got married in Dec, and in four years we've been together we've never been apart for more that a couple of days. So I'm depressed. And when I'm depressed I eat. Since yeasterday evening I've eaten over 3000 cals, and going to eat another 1500 today (on top of my daily 1200). How do I stop eating? I'm going to ruin all my hard work from the past weeks. :-( any advice please...


  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
    Don't do it.

    How about this, make a goal for the 4 wks. If you don't hae kids od anything spend the extra time working out.
    change your physique in 4 wks and suprise him when he gets home. A game if you will.
    Don't even tell him your doing it. 4 weeks is plenty to tighten up, tone or even lose 4-7 lbs
  • forthefab5
    forthefab5 Posts: 187 Member
    You can do this, it is all mind over matter, the previous post had some good tips but just think of it this way, there is alot of weight that you can lose in a month's time, you may even be at goal... imagine you're husband's face when he sees you again :) Good luck!
  • allehp
    allehp Posts: 96
    Keep busy! Find something to get really excited about that takes your mind off it, that's the only way I ever stop eating.
    I sew, knit, crochet, skateboard, take walks, paint, draw, any of the things I love. I get so into it I forget all about food! Also, you gotta exercise. Only way to beat depression.
  • carolyne2
    carolyne2 Posts: 109

    I agree with Mfredo, use the time to change yourself for the better and give him a big surprise when he gets back. Think positive and you will get there.
  • adrienne4791
    Keep busy! Find something to get really excited about that takes your mind off it, that's the only way I ever stop eating.
    I sew, knit, crochet, skateboard, take walks, paint, draw, any of the things I love. I get so into it I forget all about food! Also, you gotta exercise. Only way to beat depression.

    Great advice! When I get depressed or down, I eat too but keeping myself busy helps. I got into some great books or I just hop on the trendmill and blast that music to get my mind off of whats keeping me down. But being outdoors and going for walks is also a great way to clear your mind. Best of luck to you!
  • 6Janelle13
    6Janelle13 Posts: 353 Member
    My hubby can go out on a moments notice and be somewhere with no cell reception (he is a city fireman that has the option to be used in larger fires around the state and nation). I used to get down but now, i love the me time. I miss him like crazy, but I'm able to get things done with out him around. It is all about perspective. I could worry about where he is and how big the fire is, or i can be like he is ok and making extra money for us and helping another community. When he is gone, I make personal challenges. I work out, or work on training the dog like we always talked about. I call my family more when I am lonely etc.
    For your eating, only buy healthy and low calorie so you can snack when needed and wanted with out the same calorie punishment. pre portion and space out your snacking. I love pita chips and hummus but I limit to what i measured into a sandwich bag instead of eating from the big bag.
    Obviously you can identify how you turn to food for support so consider why and is there is something else you can do. (I knit and watch chick flicks when my hubby is gone). I love the idea of covertly working out so he can be shocked by a hot and happy wife when he comes home. We may not get a choice on wither our husbands get to travel or stay home but we can change how we respond to it.
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    You have to want it. YOU are the only one who can do this for YOU.

    The work is worth the reward. And think about how extra excited your man is gonna be to see you when he comes home and you're looking super fit! :)

    Lots of great support, here. Just know that you're strong enough and worth it.
  • JennLifts
    JennLifts Posts: 1,913 Member
    Don't plan to over eat?
    I'm sorry he's going :/ Find some girl friends that will keep you accountable, call him often, and know you won't be proud heavier. You're proud now. It's going to be ok.
  • softsmiles
    I agree with all of them, (and really a month will go by so fast), take this time for you.. pamper yourself, stay on track and get outside! that is the best thing for you, be proud of the you he comes home to!
  • AlwaysWanderer
    AlwaysWanderer Posts: 641 Member
    Thanks guys :) I think I'll sign up for the gym, so that should keep me busy. Its a good plan to get fit in that month, I'm going to start right now and not have that curry tonight :) We have two dogs so walking will be good idea. Is it ok to exercise every day? I dont want to overdo... :happy: