Surprises since I started logging

Texsox Posts: 146 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
A couple of surprises once I started logging

There are some high calorie cereals that seemed like good choices until I started counting
Free refills fill my belly fat.
How small and pretty 800 calories can look
How big and filling 600 calories can look
Corn flakes have 15% (almost) less calories than Special K
A small handful of food is the difference between losing and gaining



  • Katbaran
    Katbaran Posts: 605 Member
    How small and pretty 800 calories can look
    How big and filling 600 calories can look

    This is the part I found interesting. You are so right!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    It is truly amazing what we discover once we really start paying attention! So much junk in so much "health" food for sure.
  • xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx
    xxx_Pink_Princess_xxx Posts: 875 Member
    personal I was surprised how many cals bananas have :) xx
  • knighttrain74
    knighttrain74 Posts: 125 Member
    I was surprised at just how much sodium is put into our foods! That's crazy!
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Rice vs. pasta...not much of a difference.
    The effects of Diet Soda
    My morning coffee alone costs me about 100cal a day! (big one to get over, trying to not use milk now)
    PEANUTS----might be healthier than potato chips, but my god, a tiny handful is way too many caloires for me to give up!!!
  • I noticed the calorie differences in breakfast cereals too. The big difference is where the calories come from.

    Kashi go lean crunch has more calories than most sugary cereals, but it also contains protein (Which keeps you feeling full longer and helps promote weight loss).

    If you know it's bad for you, it is. If you suspect it's bad for you, it probably is too.

    Keep it up!
  • Charlea1981
    Charlea1981 Posts: 72 Member
    Yes your right!!
    Like my vice!! Cashew Nuts and Mixed fruit and raisins!!! You would think these things are healthy although they are in small moderations!!!


    and many more!!!
  • hemlock2010
    hemlock2010 Posts: 422 Member
    My big surprise was how much of the food world includes sugar and how much sugar I personally ate. Yikes!!
  • juldga
    juldga Posts: 119
    How I can go to mcdonalds and eat 2000 calories and feel just full and
    How I can prepare a meal at home for 600 calories and feel just full
  • Garfy
    Garfy Posts: 41
    My biggest surprise was portion sizes - I was generally eating for 3 (especially breakfast cereals).

    I still look in my bowl & think is that all? !!
  • darblij
    darblij Posts: 89
    I was surprised at just how much sodium is put into our foods! That's crazy!

    ...Especially Weightwatchers meals!
  • Mo120
    Mo120 Posts: 20
    I know, I was surprised about bananas too!!

    I love how whole wheat pasta, rice or bread has less calories (usually) than the food with white flour, and will keep you full for a longer period of time. :happy:
  • Bagels are Very High in calories, especially ones from coffee shops.
    A majority of Wraps are High in Calories.
    Nacho Cheese Sauce is Very High in calories. ( 90 cal for 2 tablespoons )
    Summer Sausage and pepperoni are horrible.
    It is very hard to stay under your sodium intake in America.
    Nobody drinks enough water or exercises enough.
    Most overweight people are low income and choose higher fat foods and fast food cause its cheaper.
    Lots of Beer should be avoided if you're serious about losing.
    So should Soda.
    If The Gov't is so concerned about out health and welfare, they need to start by watching food manufacturers more closely on what they are putting in our food.

    I'll prob get crap for some of these, but thats my opinion.
  • Mary830
    Mary830 Posts: 64
    How small and pretty 800 calories can look
    How big and filling 600 calories can look

    This, definitely! I know that, depending on the choices I make: I,300 calories can make me feel full or starving at the end of the day.

    I'm easing back into counting this week (just tracking my foods for now- I'll start focusing on making it healthier little by little) What I've learned in the past...

    1) Having a public food journal keeps me more accountable
    2) How amazing it is that ordering salad when I go out to eat can end up as the majority of my calories for the day!
    3) How much I actually enjoy pre-planning my meals
    4) How much I like cooking and experimenting with recipes so I can find something low calorie and delicious
    5) How some wonderfully delicious desserts just aren't "worth it" when I think about how far I'll have to run to undo the damage!
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    I'm surprised that most of the meals I cook have a very reasonable amount of calories if I pay attention to portions.
    I'm surprised that I can have lots of snacks and still eat the right amount.
    I'm surprised how writing down what I eat makes me accountable, even though no one I know is checking out my diary.
  • londoneye
    londoneye Posts: 195 Member
    That portions are key. I've always eaten healthily, but surprise surprise, two portions of a dish means double the calories. Who knew?! ;)
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    1) What I thought was a portion size could feed 2-3 people
    2) The amount of calories in one cup of rice and peas (since this is a Caribbean staple it was hard for me)
    3) How important breakfast it
    4) How much salt i was originally consuming
    5) Drinking calories is so not worth its better to drink water
  • thebugsmama
    thebugsmama Posts: 3 Member
    I've been surprised at how many calories I was taking in from eating from my three little ones' plates. All of those little nibbles definitely add up quickly!!
  • JennDoesKeto
    JennDoesKeto Posts: 244 Member
    that the spread on my bagel in the morning since ive been keeping track has gone down..I don't just gloop it on anymore.

    that ive been back drinking almost 100oz of water again which makes me feel great!

    ive been preplanning my meals during the day to figure out what i can eat/snack on.

    digging through the cabinets at home and pantry and finding more ideas for meals.

    Figuring out freezing meals at home would be better than spending the money to buy them.
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
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